The Best Foods to Cleanse And Purify Your Lungs




You are probably aware of the fact that human lungs are vital for the proper functioning of the body. Each day, an average individual, breaths in and out for more than 20.000 times. The lungs provide power to make these breaths possible.   In other words, the lungs are active all the time even when sleep. Unfortunately, lung diseases are one of the most frequent types of medical issues in the world. There is a wide range of respiratory problems starting from benign to life-threatening. Some of these health problems include pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis etc. Physical activity, avoiding cigarettes, alcohol and pollution are some of the ways in which people can improve the health of their lungs. However, only a small number of people are aware that a healthy diet and eating habits are also important for the state of our lungs. That’s why it is crucial to implement changes in your diet and include some of the foods that will boost the health of your lungs in your daily diet. In this way, you will keep healthy lungs and protect yourself from different diseases.

This is a Short List of The Best Foods to Detoxify Lungs

Cruciferous Veggies

For those who didn’t know, a cruciferous veggie is any vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family. Generally speaking, these veggies are loaded with antioxidants and they are very important for the cleansing process. If you are looking for specific suggestions for lung cleansing you can try cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Needless to say these vegetables bring many other health benefits.

Foods Packed with Carotenoids

Carotenoid is defined as an antioxidant pigment with a clear orange color that has proven to be very effective when it comes to lowering the chances of developing lung cancer. These pigments are often found in veggies and fruits that have bright red or orange colors. Obviously, carrots are an excellent example because they are loaded with beta-carotene. Beta carotene is turned into vitamin A and this vitamin has the ability to lower the risk of developing asthma or reduce the effects and frequency of asthma attacks.

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for our health in general. Several scientific studies have shown that foods packed with this fatty acid are helpful in cases of asthma. In case you can’t consume sufficient amount through fish products, flax seed and nuts, you can buy some of the many supplements on the market. It is also good to mention that omega-3 fish oil has some incredible health benefits.

Foods Rich in Fol-Ate

It turns out that, foods rich in fol-ate are excellent addition to our efforts to combat lung carcinogen formation and protecting the lungs from cancer. Lentils, beets, asparagus and spinach are some good examples of foods like this.


This vegetable is one of the basic ingredients for different natural remedies due to the fact that garlic produces some outstanding anti-inflammatory effects. This vegetable is rich in allicin a compound that has the ability to lower inflammation and combat infections. In addition, it eliminates free radicals and can help patients with asthma. There are some researchers who believe that garlic prevents lung cancer too.

Foods Packed with Vitamin C

Vitamin C-rich foods can aid the lungs in their effort to distribute oxygen all over the body. Some of the foods that are praised for the high quantity of vitamin C in them include: green and red capsicums, kiwi, citrus fruits including lemons, oranges and grapefruits, veggies and tomato juice, mango, broccoli, strawberries, pineapples and melon.


If we are looking for fruits with high amount of antioxidant then we must mention berries. They have several types of antioxidants including polyphenols and anthocyanins as well as flavonoids like zeaxanthin and lutein. With the help of these antioxidants people are able to keep their lungs safe from cancer and many different infections and diseases. Several experts have confirmed that fruit juice made of dark berries like blueberries, blackberries or raspberries, is able to lower the chances of developing lung cancer. Don’t forget that berries are very tasty and that you can use them alone or in combination with other foods.


Apples are commonly found in modern households because they are rich in different nutrients. Lung diseases can be prevented thanks to the myriad of vitamins and flavonoids found in apples. These fruits can also provide healthy functioning of the respiratory system. Some authors consider apples to be superfood and as the old saying goes – an apple a day keeps the doctor away.


It is very simple to include this well-known spice into almost any meal. With its help you will get better flavor and boost your health. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties which will cleanse the lungs of any kind of contamination that results in certain health problems.


Now here’s a spice that shares many characteristics with ginger especially when it comes to anti-inflammatory effects and overall health benefits. In addition, the presence of curcumin in turmeric can result in protection against cancer and destruction of existing cancer cells.


This fruit has a specific bitter flavor, so if you are fine with its taste you can experience many health benefits including absorption of different minerals and vitamins that support the work of the lungs. Many nutritionists and naturopaths claim that the flavonoids found in grapefruit are excellent for lungs cleansing especially if they are attacked by carcinogens.


This exotic fruit comes with different antioxidants that should be part of any diet. They have many nutrients and taste great. The content of this delicious fruit is able to slow down the advance of different lung problems like lung tumors.

Foods Rich in Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is usually suggested to individuals who are dealing with asthma. Several studies have shown that magnesium can boost the capacity of lungs and improve the work of the respiratory system in general. Beans, nuts and seeds are some of the foods rich in magnesium.


In the end, we must mention water again. This is one of the most effective and simplest natural remedies for lung issues. Even though the taste is dull, the body needs it for different processes. By taking more water on a daily basis you will be able to improve the circulatory process and maintain the hydration of lungs while eliminating toxins. According to the ALA (American Lung Association), the vast majority of people today don’t know that the food they consume has impact on their breathing. With the help of this article we have learnt, once again, that eating different foods is very important because eating one or two foods can’t provide the required nutrients. In case you are interested in cleansing the lungs, you should remember to include different types of the foods we have mentioned. Finally, there is a different method to cleanse the lungs and it comes in the form of deep breathing. People are encouraged to inhale deeply and breathe out completely in order to optimize cleansing. Fresh air is also crucial for the condition of our lungs. Via Healthy & Natural World