A Woman Posted a Photo of a Sonogram on Facebook & It’s Going Viral. Here’s Why




Two weeks ago, Emily Bingham (writer), shared a photo of a sonogram on her Facebook timeline. This is not unusual for future mothers to do these days, but what was shocking was that this sonogram was not hers. She used Google to find an ultrasound photo in order to get the attention of her followers and friends. But, why exactly did she do this? The answer is simple. She wanted to remind people who keep asking “when you are having kids” that this question is intimate and very personal. The post she made, was inspired by the speech that Chrissy Teigen gave on FABLife, the popular new talk show hosted by Tyra Banks. Chrissy said that she is sick and tired of the interest of media in her womb. According to Chrissy, she has come to a point where she doesn’t know what will happen when the next report asks her this question. On the other hand, Bingham wanted to point out that this is not something that is bothering only celebrities. This is something that is adding pressure to everyday women too and the description of the photo Bingham posted explains this. Bingham says that people have no idea what is going on in someone's womb. There are thousands of miscarriages each day, many women have health issues that stop them from having babies and there are women and men Healthline too. In addition, some of them have problems in the relationship, problems in their personal lives, or just think that this is not the right time. People don’t know who wants and who doesn’t want kids. This sort of question can be very painful and stressful for some people and some of them might feel frustrated. The truth is that these things will be shared with you only if that person wants to share such intimate things. In case you are curious, you will have to be patient and careful. They will tell you when they want you to know. You can read her entire post here. Via Performance health