A Man Overcame His Diabetes without Medicine, Here’s What He Consumed




Four years ago, a young man was diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes, so he had to take various oils every day to treat his conditions. But the man decided to treat his conditions completely naturally and began consuming raw fruits and vegetables. His treatment actually proved effective since he managed to restore his health. He found out about his diabetes quite accidentally when he went to his doctor to see why he was feeling thirsty all the time. At that time, the levels of his blood sugar were extremely dangerous 29, so he was said his pancreas was no longer functioning. What this meant was he had to start taking insulin every day to stay alive. The man had no options but to regularly take the prescribed therapy to cope with his conditions. He even became physically active by doing some sports. But the man’s condition became worse after some time, and he began experiencing other health problems too since he took a lot of medications, his blood pressure was 150/100 and the levels of his triglyceride increased up to 16. He felt he could no longer handle all that, so on New Year’s Eve he made a decision to begin completely new page in his life to finally get rid of his health issues. He watched the TV show “The Edge of Science” where Dr. John Zirdum was explaining about his 12-year diet consisted only of raw foods.  The man was motivated to try the same method and he even got a new blender to start with the new approach. He was tempted in the first week, but he managed to control himself. Soon, he noticed the effects of this regime as the levels of his blood sugar dropped to 5. The man had tried various medications to achieve these results, but he only succeeded with this natural treatment. He even stopped taking insulin to see if his diet will help him regulate his blood sugar. And that is what happened, his blood sugar remained stable, and he succeeded to lose 11 kilograms in only 25 days. This trend continued and after four months he was totally new person. He was no longer taking insulin or any other medication, his triglyceride levels were 1.4, his blood pressure was 120/70, and he had 20 kilograms less. He was feeling healthy and happy. Here’s the recipe of his favorite juice:

Required Ingredients


Put the ingredients in a container/bowl, and pour them with ½ a liter of water.


Consume half of the juice in the morning, and the rest during the day.


If you go with this healthy diet, make sure you constantly consume fresh salads, fruits, and tuna, as it’s rich in vitamin B12. You won’t feel hungry because you will constantly eat vegetables and fruits so your brain will think that the stomach is full. This healthy diet is highly beneficial since it provides all the nutrients needed for your brain and blood. Via Healthy Food House | Diabetes Awaneness