According to many experts, the liver is one of the crucial organs in the body. That’s why it is very important to keep proper care of it. Without a fully functional liver, we can’t expect good overall health. Our liver is here to process the drinks and foods we consume. It serves as an efficient, natural filter that redirects nutrients throughout the body and eliminates harmful substances.
This is a list of six things you should do in order to keep the liver healthy.
1. First of all, stay away from so-called Low-Fat foods. Of course, eliminating processed foods from your daily menu is the best idea, but until then, at least try to remove the Low Far, or Reduced Fat foods. The reason is simple – even though the fat is not present, manufacturers add more sugar in order to compensate for the taste.
2. Stop eating when you are under pressure or stress.
It is not unusual to eat more than you actually need when you feel stressed.
When people start feeling emotionally drained and stressed, they are trying to do something that lifts their mood.
This so-called comfort food can boost endorphin production and make us a little bit happier and calmer.
But, this joy lasts for a very short period of time and on top of that, your liver can’t process all that food properly.

3. Use some roots and herbs. Most people are a little bit suspicious when someone tells them to use specific roots to heal their body because these are not methods recommended by their doctors. They usually stick to pharmaceutical drugs. But, the fact is that roots and herbs like milk thistle, dandelion root, ginger root, peppermint, and turmeric are great for the liver and they protect many others organs from different negative effects. The positive impact of these herbs and roots has been confirmed by many scientific studies.

4. Use adequate supplements. It is very likely that you know that taking mineral and vitamin supplements is a good idea, but you probably don’t know which ones are the best for you. Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins are especially good for those who want to detoxify the liver while omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids that are part of proteins can completely eliminate toxins.
5. Specific types of drugs can disrupt the work of the liver. Medications used for lowering cholesterol and medications like Tylenol have proven to be successful when it comes to pain relief, but the fact is that they can harm your liver in case you use them for a long period of time or if you take larger doses. In addition, acetaminophen, a medicine used for pain relief and other similar drugs is also harmful to the liver if they are taken in large amounts.
6. Grab a cup of coffee. There is still an ongoing debate about the positive and negative effects of drinking coffee, but most experts agree that coffee is more beneficial than bad to our health. People who drink coffee on a regular basis have 14% lower chances of developing liver disease.
Via Web MD

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