6 Little Known Reasons to Eat More Okra




Abelmoschus esculentus, or Okra, is an incredible vegetable which contains high amounts of calcium. It is widely used in all kinds of stews and soups. Although it’s fairly versatile, not many people grow this vegetable. You won’t find any reason why not including okra in your everyday diet, as it provides many health benefits and has many different uses. Take a look at the six little known reasons to consume more okra.

1.Promotes a Healthy Pregnancy

This vegetable is high in vitamin C and the vitamin B folate. Folate plays significant role in the production and maintenance of new cells. So, it should be consumed for a healthy pregnancy. Furthermore, folate promotes healthy growth of babies, and prevents spina bifida and other birth defects. Moreover, vitamin C is crucial in the development of the fetus.

2.Helps Prevent Diabetes

It slows down the sugar absorption in the intestines, thus helping in the balance of blood sugar levels.

3.Helps with Asthma and Other Respiratory Problems

Okra possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as well as high amounts of vitamin C, which reduce the symptoms of asthma, and prevent fatal attacks.

4.Prevents Anemia

Okra contains vitamin K, folate, and iron, which help in the formation of hemoglobin, red blood cells, and blood coagulations, providing immense protection against anemia.

5.Reduces Cholesterol

Not only that okra improves the digestive health, it also improves the levels of cholesterol thanks to its high fiber content. This vegetable contains very little fat and no cholesterol, so it helps in the reduction of cholesterol.

6.Skin Health

The vitamin A antioxidants hasten the skin healing process, eliminates wrinkles, and decrease the appearance of acne and scars, due to the antioxidants’ ability to neutralize free radicals that might damage those skin cells.

Cooking and Preparing Okra

To soften okra’s mucilaginous texture, fry or stew sliced or chopped okra on low heat oil. Then, you can combine them with meat, rice, or other vegetables. Make sure you don’t over-cook them, since they can become slimy. Always wash the okra thoroughly with cold water, as some hybrid varieties might have been subjected to pesticide/insecticide sprays. Via Healthline