48-Hours Liver, Colon and Kidney Detox (Remove All Toxins and Fat from The Body)




People have been following the process of body detoxification for thousands of years. It has its place in the form of fasting, not only in the writings of Hippocrates but it has also been practiced in different religions, helping with the improvement of overall health. Today, people rely on detox diets for weight loss. But care has to be taken because when you fast by supplying a low amount of calories to your body, you could be starving. This will slow down your metabolic rate and you will start losing key nutrients. Some of the other effects can include fatigue, dehydration, giddiness, nausea, and even damage to the colon.

Your Body’s Detoxification System

Do you know that we have our own detox system working automatically within our bodies? This system comprises your kidneys, liver, and colon. The toxins are first filtered by our liver. The organ will remove the toxins from food, preventing them from entering our blood. Colon is home to different types of bacteria that produce different compounds. It will eliminate toxins to protect our bodies. Our kidneys work round the clock filtering our blood. The toxins are then removed from the urine. So when it comes to relying on a detox diet, make sure that your body is getting the required nutrients. This powerful 48-hour weekend detox program has been recommended by none other than the famous Dr. Oz. The focus is to take foods that improve the functioning of the above-mentioned 3 organs. Take these recipes for 2 days.

Breakfast – Quinoa Plus Prunes

Take 1 bowl of quinoa in the morning. The whole grain is loaded with fiber, proteins, and phosphorus. When combined with prunes, you will also get sorbitol and fiber. Among other functions, sorbitol is a great laxative.
  • Quinoa – 1/2 cup,
  • Water – 1 cup,
  • Ginger (grated) – 1 tsp,
  • Nutmeg – 1 pinch,
  • Flaxseed oil – 1 tbsp,
  • Rice milk – 1/4 cup,
  • Prunes (chopped) – 1/3 cup.
  • Pour the water into a small pot;
  • Add the quinoa, nutmeg, and ginger;
  • Mix it and boil it;
  • Cover and let it simmer for a few minutes;
  • Add rice milk and prunes;
  • Cover and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
Add the flaxseed oil before taking this detox recipe.

Snacking on Detox Drinks

1. Pineapple, ginger, and kale

  • Pineapple: 1/2 cup,
  • Cucumber: 2,
  • Lemon (squeezed): 1/2,
  • Mint: 1/2 cup,
  • Kale: A bunch without stems,
  • Ginger: 1/4”.
Mix all these ingredients in a juicer. Kale works as the perfect cleanser for your kidneys. The bromelain present in pineapple is great for the digestive system. Ginger is beneficial for improving bile flow from the gall bladder.

2. Pineapple, pomegranate, and lemon


  • Pineapple juice (unsweetened) – 3/4 cup,
  • Lemon – 1,
  • Water – 3 cups,
  • Pomegranate juice (unsweetened) – 1 cup.
Mix everything in a cup and your detox snack is ready. Drink it 4 times a day.

3. Vegetable Snack

Prepare your veggie snack by slicing cucumber, radish, celery, and other fresh veggies of your choice. Add olive oil, salt, lemon juice, and pepper. Enjoy to your delight through the day.

Lunchtime – Fruit Smoothie

  • Almond milk (unsweetened) – 1/2 cup,
  • Flaxseed/chia (ground) – 1 tbsp,
  • Blueberries (frozen) – 1/4 cup,
  • Ice – 1/2 cup,
  • Banana: quarter piece.
Blend everything in a blender to create a perfectly smooth consistency and enjoy. Blueberries contain a high amount of quercetin. The flavonoid is not only good for your immune system, but it is also great for the liver. The vitamin B6 in bananas is perfect for detoxifying the liver. The omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed nourish the brain and the fiber content supports excretion.

Dinner – Veggie Broth Soup

You will need the following ingredients for your detox dinner:
  • Red onions (chopped) – 2,
  • Caraway seeds – 2 tsp,
  • Fennel bulb (chopped) – 1 (having stalks and fronds),
  • Sea salt – 2 tsp,
  • Shitake caps (sliced) – 1 cup,
  • Pepper (ground),
  • Water – 2 liter,
  • Cabbage (chopped) – 1,
  • Garlic cloves (chopped) – 4,
  • Paprika – 2 tbsp,
  • Parsley (chopped – with stems & leaves) – 8 sprigs,
  • Oregano (chopped) – 2 tbsp,
  • Parsley (chopped) – 1/2 cup.
Mix everything excluding the parsley into a pot and pour the water. Boil and then let it simmer at low heat for 1 hour. Remove and serve with parsley topping.

Health Benefits

  • Fennel is beneficial for improving the bile flow in the gall bladder.
  • Garlic is great for both the gall bladder and the liver.
  • Shitake is beneficial for the enzymes in the liver.
  • Cabbage helps with detox in the kidneys and liver.
The dinner soup could also be enjoyed along with sauerkraut and apples. The healthy bacteria or probiotics in sauerkraut are helpful in protecting the GI tract. On the other hand, apple benefits your liver and kidneys. While following this 48-hour detox program, it is important to follow these strict rules:
  • Don’t take anything after 7 pm.
  • Take 1 cup of dandelion root tea before sleeping. It will help the liver in removing toxins.
  • Take Epsom salt to improve sweating, which will help with toxin removal. Magnesium also helps with muscle relaxation.
There are other detox foods that also help improve your health.


Take whole grains rich in phosphorus, which acts as a great laxative. The fiber improves the movement of stools. The probiotics in pickles and fermented foods are great in protecting the colon.


Blackberries and blueberries are great for helping the liver remove specific toxins. Take some hot peppers that contain capsaicin. This ingredient helps in strengthening the enzymes that detoxify the liver.


Take soy products that work like diuretics. They promote more urination. Broccoli, book Choy and other veggies like cauliflower also help improve your kidney’s functioning. They help the organs filter out more toxins and removing through urine. These veggies also improve the recovery of liver cells after detoxification. Via Kitch me Now