For all of those camping lovers, these photos can be of great help. Which of them is your favorite?
2. Belt a headlamp into a jug of water and make an instant lantern for the entire tent.
3. To make a DIY lantern, paint the inside part of a jar with a non-toxic glow-in-the-dark.
4. In any case, as a portable food option make a tin-can sandwich.
5. Inform yourself about the poisonous plants and what they look like.
6. For a natural tick deterrent combine 1 part tea tree oil with 2 parts water in a spray bottle.
Use it on shoes, pants cuffs, socks, etc.
7. On the top of your match paper put glue sandpaper.
8. To protect and hold your TP you can use a coffee can.
9. The campfire is an ideal place for crescent rolls. For additional pleasure fill them with marshmallows or Nutella or just wrap hot dogs.
10. Tic Tac boxes- great storage of spices.
11. Provide a two-person sleeping bag.
12. Take seat hammocks for car camping.
13. To make single-use packets cut straw and fill it with what you need toothpaste, antibiotics, etc.
14. From coffee filters and dental floss make a travel coffee bag. Fill the coffee filter with coffee and tie it with dental floss. When you want a coffee just use it as a tea bag.
15. Bring some instant coffee bags, they will satisfy your need for caffeine.
16. Make candle stakes for romantic lighting.
17. Take a bar of soap and peel it with a vegetable peeler to make a single-use soap. It also relieves the itchiness when applied to mosquito bites.
18. As a hand-washing dispenser use an empty laundry detergent.
19. Arrange the pots and pans simply by using belts and hooks on a tree.
20. Make campfire cones.
21. Use an old prescription bottle or Altoids tin to take a mini first-aid kit.
22. You can easily make pancakes by pre-make pancake mix using shortening dry milk, powdered eggs, etc.
23. Take a peanut butter container and place it inside a battery-powered votive candle to make portable lanterns.
24. A plunger and an empty bucket can serve as a portable washing machine.
25. A cardboard-only egg carton can be used for storing an easy fire starter and match light charcoal.
The fire will catch on the charcoal, you just need to light the carton.
26. Doritos are of great help when lighting a fire.
27. You can use a travel-size or toiletry shampoo bottle to make a pocket-sized oil lamp.
28. If you put fresh rosemary right on uniformly gray and ashy coals, you do not need a meat marinade, but your meat will be flavored with the taste of savory herbs.
29. Waxed packaging of cheeses and hard cheeses are better choices for camping.
30. Bundles of sage will keep out the mosquitoes from the camp.
31. Roast a Starburst, crunchy on the outside, warm, and gooey on the inside but delicious.
33. Hollow out the inside of an orange and fill it with Cinnabon's ( the canned kind).
34. Take a biodegradable trail-marking tape if you are about to hike.
35. Make a scavenger hunt to keep the kids busy and interested.
37. You can easily light a fire with dipped-in wax cotton buds.
38. Microfiber towels- great absorbers and won't weigh too much.
39. Frozen gallons of jugs of water will cool down all of your food in the portable cooler.
40. Bring an Altoids tin, cardboard, and wax. They are a great combination for an emergency light.
Via BuzzFeed
1. You can use foam floor tiles to make the tent floor softer, and more comfortable.

A Little Campy
2. Belt a headlamp into a jug of water and make an instant lantern for the entire tent.

Flickr: listorama
3. To make a DIY lantern, paint the inside part of a jar with a non-toxic glow-in-the-dark.

Lindsay & Drew
4. In any case, as a portable food option make a tin-can sandwich.

5. Inform yourself about the poisonous plants and what they look like.
She Knows
6. For a natural tick deterrent combine 1 part tea tree oil with 2 parts water in a spray bottle.
Use it on shoes, pants cuffs, socks, etc.
Craftaholics Anonymous
8. To protect and hold your TP you can use a coffee can.
Buzz Feed
9. The campfire is an ideal place for crescent rolls. For additional pleasure fill them with marshmallows or Nutella or just wrap hot dogs.
10. Tic Tac boxes- great storage of spices.
Seattle Sundries
11. Provide a two-person sleeping bag.
12. Take seat hammocks for car camping.
14. From coffee filters and dental floss make a travel coffee bag. Fill the coffee filter with coffee and tie it with dental floss. When you want a coffee just use it as a tea bag.
SC Johnson
15. Bring some instant coffee bags, they will satisfy your need for caffeine.
16. Make candle stakes for romantic lighting.
A Subtle Revelry
17. Take a bar of soap and peel it with a vegetable peeler to make a single-use soap. It also relieves the itchiness when applied to mosquito bites.
Get Wild Outdoors
19. Arrange the pots and pans simply by using belts and hooks on a tree.
20. Make campfire cones.
Kids Activities Blog
21. Use an old prescription bottle or Altoids tin to take a mini first-aid kit.
22. You can easily make pancakes by pre-make pancake mix using shortening dry milk, powdered eggs, etc.
One Good Thing By Jillee
23. Take a peanut butter container and place it inside a battery-powered votive candle to make portable lanterns.
25. A cardboard-only egg carton can be used for storing an easy fire starter and match light charcoal.
The fire will catch on the charcoal, you just need to light the carton.
Sew Many Ways
26. Doritos are of great help when lighting a fire.
Martha Stewart
29. Waxed packaging of cheeses and hard cheeses are better choices for camping.
Cute Food for Kids | Bon Appetit
30. Bundles of sage will keep out the mosquitoes from the camp.
The Fertile Garden
31. Roast a Starburst, crunchy on the outside, warm, and gooey on the inside but delicious.
Clarkandsuz Blogspot
32. For a quick-cooking alternative, choose polenta, quinoa, or couscous rather than pasta. Bon Appetit
33. Hollow out the inside of an orange and fill it with Cinnabon's ( the canned kind).
Modern Home Steading Ideas
34. Take a biodegradable trail-marking tape if you are about to hike.
35. Make a scavenger hunt to keep the kids busy and interested.
The Taylor-House
36. For an emergency toilet use an empty bucket and a milk crate. Root Simple
37. You can easily light a fire with dipped-in wax cotton buds.
38. Microfiber towels- great absorbers and won't weigh too much.
39. Frozen gallons of jugs of water will cool down all of your food in the portable cooler.
Camping Blogger
40. Bring an Altoids tin, cardboard, and wax. They are a great combination for an emergency light.
41. The campfire panini press can be used for making sandwiches.
Via BuzzFeed
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