37 Million Bees Found Dead After Planting Large GMO Corn Field




(HealthAndLovePage) GMO is an abbreviation used for Genetically Modified Organism. GMOs are artificially created organisms. These organisms have genetic material that has been modified by using vitro (in a laboratory) techniques of nucleic acids, including the recombination of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles. Independent institutions and experts have warned the public about the short and long-term negative effects of consuming GMO food. Even without these warnings, people are getting more and more aware about the potential dangers that GMO brings.

GMO Corn Field in Ontario, Canada

The latest GMO - related news comes from Ontario, Canada where millions of bees were found dead only few weeks after a GMO corn field was planted in their natural habitat. Only one beekeeper in the area of Elmwood – Dave Schuit – lost around 37 million bees (around 600 hives). According to Mr. Schuit, the only reason for the death of his bees was the new GMO corn field. In addition, many beekeepers blame the neonicotinoids (neonics) for the sudden death and destruction of bee colonies. Although this type of pesticides are banned in the European Union, for some reason the US Department of Agriculture still allows this pesticide to be used. Bayer CropScience Inc. is the most popular producer of these pesticides and two of them known as Clothianidin and Imidacloprid have the ability to get into the nectar and pollen and affect the health of bees. Mr. Schuit is not the only farmer who noticed changes since the GMO corn field was planted. Nathan Carey who lives and works in Elmwood has also witnessed the decrease in the number of bees on his farm. He believes that the use of the controversial pesticides and the decreased number of bees are related. According to Jeffrey Pettis, part of the team of scientists working in ARS bee research laboratory, there is definitely a strong correlation between pesticide exposure (especially to neonicotinoids) and nutrition and the collapse of bee colonies. What is even scarier is the fact that the honeybee pollination plays major role in the development of many crops. One of the latest studies in this field has confirmed that neonicotinoids, especially Imidacloprid, directly affect (weaken) the immune system of bees, which eventually leads to their death. Given the fact that the EU has already banned multiple pesticides and that the number of news like the one from Canada presented here are increasing, we can expect that certain pesticides will be also banned in North America soon.