20 Shade Tolerant Plants to Grow In Your Garden This Summer




People nowadays have hard time finding places to grow things. You’ll be shocked to see that more than 20 shade tolerant plants can be grown in garden areas that you considered useless. 20 Shade Tolerant Plants To Grow In Your Garden This Summer Some of these shade tolerant plants that are edible include leafy greens, mushrooms, root vegetables, and herbs. These plants require only 4 hours of sun a day, or even less. Another important thing to consider when planting a garden, is companion planting. This refers to planting of various crops in closeness to pest control, providing living space for beneficial animals, pollination, and improving of the crop productivity. Without further talk, the following list includes shade tolerant plants which grow easy in most parts of North America.


Spinach, as the other lettuce plants, needs less sun. Choose cooler and shadier areas to plant spinach in your garden.

Bok Choy

Bok choy, komatsuna, and tatsoi are Asian greens which require just several hours of sun a day to grow well. Moreover, their taste is amazing and can give nice twist on salads. This summer, think of planting Asian greens in your own garden.


Broccoli exposed on too much sun causes faster flowering but worse taste. Therefore, this vegetable needs 4 to 6 hours a day in order to slower the rate of flowering and preserve the tightness of the heads.


Just like broccoli, cauliflower also requires less than 6 hours of sun a day for better taste and tighter heads.

Swiss Chard

Unlike most leafy greens, Swiss chard doesn’t need much sunlight. Make sure to plant them in a garden area which takes less than 4 hours of sunlight a day.


Make sure to plant leeks in cooler and moist environments.


For a larger harvest and tastier produce, radishes need less foliage growth and more root growth, just as most root plants. If they are exposed to too much sun, they will end up with less root and more foliage, which is the opposite we need, since we consume the root and not the leaves.


Although most of us already know, we must mention mushrooms in this list since they require dark, cooler and moist areas instead of those with lots of sunlight.


Too much sun exposure will result in shriveling and drooping leaves as of arugula so as for the other leafy greens, and we are sure no one likes a limp salad right? That’s why arugula is best to be planted beneath other larger plant which needs sunshine, or in a shady area.


Although garlic is recommended to be planted in areas with a lot of sunshine for large bulbs, it can also grow in partial shades. So if you thought you don’t have the appropriate sunny area for planting garlic, start considering the shady areas in your garden too.


Too much sun exposure will lead to smaller cabbage heads and bigger and more opened leaves. So if you want a tight and compact cabbage, don’t plant it in such areas.


If you plant parsley, as well other herbs, in areas with less sunlight, the leaves will be bigger and tastier.


As most herbs, Coriander, or cilantro, also prefers less sunlight, which will ensure larger leaves and smaller plant, meaning more flavor and bigger harvest. [thrive_link color='blue' link='http://www.healthandlovepage.com/how-to-grow-cilantro-indoors/' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']How To Grow Cilantro - The Most Effective Indoors Heavy Metals Detoxifier[/thrive_link]


Carrots also like shady areas, and a bit sun exposure, but no more than 4 hours a day. This will provide less foliage growth and more root growth, which is what we want. The result will be opposite if they are planted in areas with full sun.

Mustard Greens

Mustard greens don’t want too much sun, so the best areas for their planting are the shady areas in your garden.


Everyone loves potatoes, especially fresh garden ones. If they get more shade, they’ll have deeper and tastier roots, resulting in bigger harvest.


Similar to cabbage, kale prefers less sunlight and cold weather.

Beet Roots

This highly beneficial plant prefers partially shaded areas, and can withstand extremely dry conditions.


Just like all leafy greens, lettuce too likes less sun exposure during the day, so remember this when planning.


Just like potatoes, radishes, and carrots, turnips too require less sun for less foliage growth and more root growth. With less sun exposure, their roots grow more quickly thus providing bigger harvest. Via Live Love Fruit