18 Easy Stretches in 18 Minutes to Help Reduce Back Pain




Not only that back pain affects people who live a sedentary lifestyle, but also those who are highly physically active. The Health Science Journal estimated that 13.6% of the population (3 million Australians) are dealing with back problems. Moreover, about 70 to 90 percent of the general population will suffer from back pain at certain points in their lives. No matter, if you suffer from recurring pains, aches, or stiffness, back pain exercise, is one method to improve not only the condition of your back but also your general health. From the numerous stretches for back pain relief, we chose 18 quick and easy stretches which will take you about 18 minutes time in total to soothe your back pain.

1. The Hamstring Floor Stretch

Lie down on your back and bend your legs at a 90-degree angle. Your hips should be kept level and your lower back down on the ground. Carefully hold the back of your leg with your hand, and pull it towards your body. Keep this position for half a minute twice with each leg. Stretch until you notice slight discomfort, but not pain. Pull as much as you can, but don’t force it.

2. Knee to Chest Stretch

Lie on your back, put your feet flat on the floor, and bend your legs at a 90-degree angle. Clasp your hands to pull your leg towards your chest at a 60-degree angle. Remain in this position until you feel slight discomfort, but not pain. Do this stretch for about 20 seconds, twice for each leg.

3. Spinal Stretch

Begin by lying down on your back and stretch both arms outwards at the height of your shoulders, while your palms are facing downwards. Your legs should be bent at a 90-degree angle. When you are at this position, take a deep breath, and as you breathe out start leaning your legs to one side, while your head is turned in the opposite direction. At this point, raise your knee towards you and put the opposite hand on the top of the knee which is bent. Remain in this position for 20 seconds, and do the same thing with the other knee.

4. The Piriformis Stretch

Lie down on your back and raise your leg in a horizontal position opposite your midline. Put the outer part of your right ankle on the top of the opposite knee. Then, carefully move your left knee towards your chest, and once it’s close enough, clasp your hands right under the left knee around the left hamstring muscle. With your hands pull on the left knee and right ankle so that you can feel a stretch. Remain in this position for half a minute, and then do the same thing with the other leg.

5. The Hip Flexors Stretch

Bend on your knees. Then, lift your right leg and put your foot on the ground in front of you. Your weight should be shifted on your right leg and forward. At this point, you should be able to notice a slight stretch. Remain in this position for half a minute, and do the same thing with the other leg.

6. The Quadriceps Lying Down Stretch

First, lie on one side and keep your knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line. Then, pull your ankle so that your heel is brought close to the buttocks until you notice a stretch in the front part of your thigh. Remain in this position for half a minute. Then, relax your body and do the same thing with the other side.

7. The Total Back Stretch

Stand in front of some sturdy object like a table, an arm’s length. Then, slightly bend your knees lean forward, and use both hands to grasp the edge of the sturdy object. Your arms should be fully extended and your head in your shoulder’s line. Remain in this position for 10 seconds.

8. Standing Hamstring Stretch

Once again, choose some sturdy object like a bench or a chair, and stand in front of it. Then, put the heel of the leg you want to stretch onto the chair’s seat. Your knee and trunk should be kept straight while you’re leaning forward. Remain in this position for 20 seconds, and then return to the initial position.

9. Cat and Camel

Position yourself in a kneeling position, and put both hands flat on the ground as your knees. Take a deep breath and then breathe in while your lower rib cage is lifted. Then, round your back and don’t forget to relax your neck. While in this position, breathe out and put your chest down towards the ground. Slightly look upwards, and do this procedure several times.

10. Pelvic Tilt

Lie down on your back and bend your knees while both feet are flat on the ground. Place your arms at the sides of your body and keep the palms flat. Then, take a deep breath while lifting your pelvic area, and breathe out while you flatten your back to the ground. Your spine, neck, and back of the head should be pressed against the ground. Do this stretch not more than 30 times.

11. Quadrupled Arm/Leg Raise

Kneel on your knees and hands. Then, without twisting or raising your shoulder up, raise one of your arms in front of you. Then, carefully raise and straighten your opposite leg. Your hips and neck should be as motionless as they can. Do the same procedure with the other arm and leg.

12. Partial Curl

Lie on your back with bent knees and your feet flat on the ground. Then, tighten the abdominal muscles and bend your chin towards your chest. Put your hands on the chest and curl the upper part of your body forward. Remain in this position for 3 seconds. Don’t forget to breathe while doing this exercise, and do it 10 times per set.

13. Extension Exercise

Lie flat on your belly. You can put a pillow under your stomach if you feel this position is not so comfortable. Lie for about 1 minute before you start pressing down on your hands to support your body on the elbows. Remain in this position for 1 second and then return your body back to the ground. Do this procedure 10 times per set.

14. Side Plank

Lie on your side and support your upper body on your elbows using your arm. Your legs should remain straight, while you lift your hips off the ground for six seconds. Rest half a minute and do this 3 to 5 times. Try to succeed in holding the upright position for half a minute at least.

15. Gluteal Stretch

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Put your arms to the sides of your body, and then with one hand grab your right ankle and place it on the top of the left knee. Remain in this position until you notice minor discomfort, but not pain. Do this stretch 3 times for 20 seconds, with each leg.

16. Prone Spine Stretches

Lie down on your belly with your legs and hips flat on the ground. Put your hands below your shoulders while the tops of your feet are flat on the floor. Then, carefully lift your head up as your stomach muscles are engaged. Proceed this until your upper body is off the ground and your arms are in a straight position. Keep your legs and feet on the ground. Remain in this position for 15 seconds, and do this exercise 5 times.

17. Bridge Pose

Lie down on your back with bent knees and feet on the ground. Straighten your arms and keep your palms flat. Press your arms and feet to the ground and breathe out while you are raising your hips upwards. Be careful not to flex your buttocks or squeeze your glute muscles. Remain in this position for 60 seconds.

18. Relaxation

Just lie flat with a pillow under your legs, and a blanket under your body. Put your hands on your sides and breathe. You have now finished successfully! These stretches will reduce not only your lower back pain but other pains in your back too. However, consult an experienced physiotherapist prior to practicing these stretches, to prevent possible worsening of your condition.

How Does Stretching Improve Our Health?

Besides helping you to maintain a good fitness shape, stretching is also beneficial for general health. Although you may think that exercise is mainly good for burning calories, it is also helping your muscles work properly, as stretching improves the blood flow in the muscles. Moreover, stretching will increase your athletic performance and lower your risk of injuries, even at an older age. It will improve your posture by ensuring your spine remains in alignment, as your tightened muscles will be lengthened back to their perfect position. Stretching is an excellent method to relieve your daily stress, recharging your body with the energy needed for the rest of the day.

Prior to stretching, you should learn how to do them properly without harming any part of your body.

1. Warm up your body and then start with the stretching. Stretching cold muscles is never recommended. 2. Stretch as much as your body can handle. While doing the stretch, don’t bounce since this can lead to an injury. 3. Set a stretching routine. Our recommendation is 3 times a week. 4. It’s not always good to engage every muscle group in your body while stretching. Adjust your stretching routine to those areas that you want to focus on. Via Pillows