15 Reasons Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than a Flu




Flu vaccination is recommended by The Center For Disease Control and Prevention (United States) annually for individuals ages 6 months and older. The flu can be considered a serious illness with serious implications for those with a compromised immune system, elders over the age of 65, the chronically ill, young children and pregnant women. The flu virus strains are constantly changing so the vaccine given each year must be re-formatted as such. This is done once scientists determine which flu strains are most likely to be most prevalent during the upcoming flu season. Typically, the flu season runs from October until May with December to March racking up the majority of cases. Beginning this year, children under 9 years of age will be given 2 doses of the flu vaccine if they have received less than 2 doses before July 2015. This group includes those receiving the flu vaccination for the first time. Children over 9 years of age will get only 1 dose. There are two types of flu vaccine available. One is called trivalent and protects against three strains of flu. These strains are usually two types of Influenza A and one type of Influenza B. The second type is called quadrivalent as it protects against four strains of flu. Another Influenza B strain is added to the three in the trivalent vaccine. In addition to the standard vaccination with a needle, the flu shots are available in:
  • An egg-free version (where the vaccine is most commonly grown) for those ages 18-49,
  • A high (4X standard) dose version for those ages 65 and older,
  • A small needle version for ages 18-64,
  • A nasal spray for those ages 2-49 that are healthy and NOT pregnant, and
  • A needle-free version given by a jet injector, which utilizes high-pressure fluid to inject the vaccine, approved for ages 18-64.
It can take up to two weeks for an individual to build up immunity against the flu that he/she has been vaccinated against. There are many, however, that should not receive the flu vaccine in any dose or form. Children under 6 months of age, those that have had a severe allergic reaction to a flu vaccine in the past, and people with a high fever. The CDC touts that vaccinated individuals are 60% less likely to catch the flu than those that are unvaccinated. We are buried with media campaigns that repeatedly tell us that the vaccine is the best protection against the flu, but there are some studies that have found that the CDC statement is not altogether valid. A study in 2013 from the CDC showed that vaccinated people over age 65 visited their doctor for flu symptoms as often as the unvaccinated age 65 and over. (Hence the development of the “high dose” version.) A primary problem in developing the flu vaccine is trying to predict, with some semblance of accuracy, what strain will cause the most havoc next year. The World Health Organization sends its pick of the most common strains to manufacturers so that they become part of the new vaccine. It has been demonstrated that one has a 1 in 300 chance of being vaccinated for the current viral strain. Additionally, viruses mutate (adapt and change). This means that the flu strain that an individual was vaccinated against may have changed its form by the time of exposure making the antibodies their bodies produced ineffective. These are just a few of the reasons that prompted this writer to examine the pros and cons of the flu vaccine.

Top 15 Reasons Flu Shots are More Dangerous than a Flu

  1. The majority of influenza vaccines contain mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde. All of these substances are known to be toxic to humans!
  2. There have not been enough safety studies to determine what the effects of a flu shot every year for life will have on a person. Therefore, each year that a person receives the flu vaccination they are effectively becoming a lab rat.
  3. All vaccines are immune suppressive. They alter and impair immune responses. They can (and do) trigger allergic reactions. Foreign DNA/RNA from animal tissues (present in vaccines) can actually trigger autoimmunity in some people.
  4. Seniors beware! The flu vaccine slated for use in those 65 and older is 4 times stronger than that given to the standard adult population. CDC studies have concluded that those ages 65 and over did not respond positively to the standard flu dose so they increased it.
  5. There is very little real evidence that supports the claim that young children benefit from flu shots. On the contrary, studies involving 260,000 children ages 23 months to 6 years show that a placebo was just as effective as the flu shot.
  6. The senior population is told that there are 3 reasons for them to get the flu shots. They are secondary pneumonia, hospitalization, and death. Still a study involving thousands of people found that it offered no protection for those 3 things in the general populace.
  7. Flu vaccines increase the odds of getting the flu. The mercury in the vaccine is a strong enough immune suppressant that for several weeks recipients are highly susceptible to catching the flu as well as other viruses.
  8. A study has shown that those that receive the flu vaccine for 3-5 years were ten times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s.
  9. An Australian study found that one in 110 children ages 0-5 years experienced convulsions. 10. The year (2009/2010) that the CDC recommended double -dosing pregnant women with flu vaccine there was a 4250% increase in fetal deaths from spontaneous abortion and stillbirth.
  10. The flu vaccine has been officially classified as a Class C dry. Category C is for those drugs that have not had enough human or animal studies conducted to establish their safety, OR have shown adverse fetal effects in animals but there is little human data.
  11. Side effects ranging from injection site inflammation and sore knee, high fevers, vomiting, to convulsions are listed as common.
  12. The CDC actually confirms that the flu vaccine can cause Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome which is a life threatening autoimmune disease.
  13. The vaccine contains sugar which is considered to be the essence of inflammatory disease.
  14. There was an observed 17-fold increase in the annual incidence of narcolepsy in children under 17 years of age in 2010 alone. The common denominating factor among these children was the flu vaccine.
  15. There was an observed 17-fold increase in the annual incidence of narcolepsy in children under 17 years of age in 2010 alone. The common denominating factor among these children was the flu vaccine.
References: Kids Health, Bewellbuzz, Live Science, HATCH CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS, Living Traditionally, Ron Paul Forums, Mercola