10 Signs Cancer May Be Growing in Your Body




Cancer is one of the deadliest and most spread diseases nowadays. Although a healthy diet can reduce your risk of developing cancer, genes can contribute far more to the onset of this disease. If cancer has started spreading, it is very hard to treat it. But to increase your chances of remission, it is important to seek early treatment, and for that, you need to know the early symptoms of cancer. If you notice some of them, visit our doctor immediately.

Remember the Following 10 Warning Signs

1. A Lump Beneath the Skin

Those who do regular self-exams on different parts of their body, such as on breasts, can know how to recognize changes beneath their skin, such as lumps. If you discover a lump before it progresses into a larger tumor, you have higher chances of proper and successful treatment.

2. Itchy Skin

Since our body treats cancer as a sort of bacterium, another sign that indicates cancer is itchy skin. Our immune system tries to destroy it with the use of white blood cells. This increases the blood flow in the affected area, causing feelings of warmth, tightening, itchiness, and reddish skin color.

3. Wounds That Don’t Heal

If you notice that you have a skin injury like a cut that takes more time to heal, it might be a warning sign of cancer. The reason is that the immune system has prioritized cancer over the healing of the wound, so the body needs more time to heal the skin injury.

4. Bumps on the Tongue or Mouth

Consult your doctor immediately, if you notice any bumps on your throat, gums, or inside your mouth, particularly if they are white.

5. Loss of Appetite or Trouble Swallowing

Trouble swallowing, loss of appetite, disrupted the digestive process, or indigestion, can affect the ability of the body to get the nutrients from the consumed food.

6. Changed Bowel Movements

You should be concerned if any weird change in your bowel movements lasts more than 2 days. Blood in the stool can indicate Hopkins Medicine.

7. Changes in Urination

A healthy person should have a rather regular bladder function. So, if you see changes in the urination, like in the color, the strength of the flow, odor, presence of blood or foam, visit your doctor.

8. Bleeding

Bleeding from the nipple, uterus, or from other parts that you can't explain, can be a huge warning sign of cancer.

9. Voice Changes

The tone and pitch of the voice can be affected by larynx cancer. So if you notice some changes or someone else tells you about them, you should visit your doctor.

10. Constant Coughing

Constant coughing that lasts more than 2 weeks can be a warning sign of the following types of cancer: throat, esophagus, lungs, and even stomach cancer. If your cough is painful, persistent, and you cough blood, make an appointment with your doctor immediately. If you notice any of these warning signs of cancer, visit your doctor immediately!