3 Warning Signs Why You Shouldn’t Reboil Water Ever Again




(HealthAndLovePage) Electric kettles are an excellent way to boil water because they get this job done fast. However, many people simply can’t wait for the water to boil in front of the device because they need to finish some other tasks. That’s why, very often, the boiled water becomes cold once again. The first reaction in this case is turning on the electric kettle in order to reboil water, but what most people don’t know is what actually happens when you do that. This is something that is very important and unfortunately we have never heard about that in science classes. Once the water is boiled its structure is altered and this is actually a good thing because the gases dissolve and the unstable substances and compounds evaporate. But, in case the water is boiling for a long period of time or is re-boiled, its chemical structure alters in a bad way. In cases like this, many harmful substances are building up inside the water instead of being eliminated. The same goes for re-boiling, since the compounds accumulate and increase the effects of some chemicals. Some of these substances include nitrates, arsenic and fluoride. Even some minerals that are considered to be healthy become dangerous when combined like calcium salts which can contribute to the development of gallstones and kidney stones when consumed in large amounts.

The Harmful Effects of Reboiled Water

1. Nitrates

Nitrates in their natural form can be found all over our planet – in the air, soil and water. However, if this chemical comes in the form of food additive (for example – in meats), or if we expose it to high heat (boiling water, for example) it becomes very dangerous. These high temperatures turn nitrates into nitrosamines which are known carcinogenic substances. Numerous studies have linked nitrates to many different cancers like colon, ovarian, stomach, esophageal, pancreatic and bladder cancer and with many other diseases like non-Hodkin lymphoma, leukemia etc.

2. Arsenic

According to WHO (the World health Organization), the presence of arsenic in drinking-water is the greatest threat to human health. Increased presence of arsenic in the system can lead to arsenic intoxication and depending on the extent of exposure; the effects may become physical after a while. Some of the risks related to arsenic intoxication include diabetes, gastrointestinal symptoms, cardiovascular disease, peripheral neuropathy, skin lesions, renal system dysfunctions and in some cases – cancer.

3. Fluoride

In the recent period many scientists have conducted trials, studies and research on this interesting fluoride and on its effects when consumed in drinking water. Fluoride is naturally found in water and we should be aware that this chemical can have negative effects on our health. Even though these risks were confirmed by the scientists, the authorities are keeping this chemical in our water. Exposure to fluoride has shown undesirable effects on cognitive and neurological development in young children. These studies were performed by the Harvard University. Their 27 studies have been published by the reputable journal of Environment Health Sciences and the final conclusion was that the presence of fluoride in water resulted in lower IQ in young children. In addition, fluoride has lowered fertility rates in male lab mice according to a study conducted two years ago. Via Snopes