All the Signs, Symptoms, Triggers and Treatments of Hypo and Hyperthyroidism




The thyroid gland plays an important role in the endocrine system through the action of the thyroid hormone. This hormone keeps the metabolism under control and regulates vital body functions. The high or low activity of the thyroid gland can lead to conditions known as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It is of crucial importance to know the causes, symptoms, and treatments of these conditions in order to prevent them on time. The statistics point out that 1 out of 20 people is vulnerable to this health issue. However, women are more likely to develop this kind of disease.

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Both of these conditions are a result of the imbalance of the thyroid hormone. For the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, the level of this hormone should not be excessive or deficient. In the case of hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone for the body's needs. This condition is manifested by muscle pain, cramping, dry skin, excess fluid in the tissues, trouble in concentration, tiredness, thinning of hair, and sensitivity to cold temperatures. In the case of hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland produces an excessive amount of this hormone which can cause diarrhea, accelerated heart rate, anxiety, sleeping trouble, unexpected weight loss, heat sensitivity, and nervousness. This condition, where the thyroid gland can be overactive is characterized by a formation of a large lump in the throat. This is called goiter, another symptom of the lack of iodine. The main reason for the occurrence of these conditions is lifestyle. Other triggers include:
  • Accumulation of toxins;
  • Deficiency of iodine;
  • Chronic stress;
  • Metal buildup.
Also, other reasons for hyperthyroidism can be thyroiditis, toxic adenomas, and Graves’ sickness, while hypothyroidism can be a result of thyroid removal, overexposure to lithium or iodine, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Prevention and treatment

1. Proper nutrition

A healthy diet plays an important role in the treatment of these conditions. So, you should reduce the consumption of processed foods, sugar, and refined flour and increase the intake of zinc, iodine, selenium, and omega-3 fats.

2. Exercise

Regular exercise promotes the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the re-balance of the thyroid hormones.

3. Reduce stress

Try to manage stress because it seriously affects the work of the thyroid gland. So, engage yourself in some relaxing activities such as yoga, meditation, and walking which will reduce the level of stress and thus promote relaxation and calmness.

4. Heat therapy

These conditions can be successfully treated with a sauna session or some heat therapy. In this way, you will detoxify your body and eliminate the accumulated toxins.

5. Nutritional supplements

There are readily available and effective treatments for both of these thyroid conditions. However, make sure you consult your doctor before you use some alternative products for these health issues.

6. Thyroid hormones

For treating one of these conditions, you might be prescribed some thyroid hormones, which will support your thyroid gland.

7. Prevent thyroid dysfunction by preventing the underlying causes

Identify the main reasons that may lead to thyroid dysfunction and try to prevent them. So, try to minimize stress, and treat heavy metals, allergies, and nutritional deficiencies on time. Make sure you avoid gluten and dairy products because they cause digestive problems. Via Healthy Food House | Writing Explained | K Health | Medicine Net