Referred Pain That You Should Take Really Seriously




Pain or physical discomfort sends you a signal that something is not right in the body. In fact, the pain does not always reside in the actual source of the problem. In the world of medicine, this is known as “referred pain”. It is also known as reflective pain, but the exact mechanism behind it is still unknown, even though there are some theories. However, you should take any referred pain into consideration because sometimes it can save your life. Here are some types of referred pain that can signal various health conditions. Make sure you consult your physician any time you some of these pains.

Pain in the Chests

If you experience mild or intense chest pain, your body might signal you that there are some heart problems. However, not all chest pains refer to heart problems, but this is a serious type of pain that should not be ignored.

Pain in the Left Arm

Sometimes, a heart problem can cause a pain in the left arm. As we mentioned before, this is not always the case, but if you experience some pain in the left shoulder or even hands consult your doctor.

Pain in the Neck or Shoulders

If you experience some pain in the shoulders, this pain may be related to the lungs simply because they reside one next to another. This pain may also affect the neck area. In this case, you should consult a pulmonologist, an expert specialized in various lung conditions. Along shoulder and neck pain, breathing difficulty is another alarming signal.

Pain in the Lower Part of the Right Ribcage

The liver is located in the right part of your belly so that’s why you might experience pain in the lower part of your ribcage. This pain may also be reflected in the shoulders or the front part of the neck.

Pain in the Abdomen

If you experience some pain in the abdomen, right just your breastbone, you may have problems with the stomach or pancreas. Acid reflux or some other stomach problems can cause pain in the abdomen, just at the back of the breastbone. According to the experts, 50% of the people who suffer from pancreatitis, have severe back pain.

Pain in the Belly Button Area

Even a minor problem or a serious one with the small intestines can lead to a pain in the area of your navel. Make sure you consult your doctor for a precise diagnosis.

Pain in the Middle-Lower Abdomen

Pain in the said area can refer to some problems with the large intestines. Especially if there is a sharp pain in the belly button area that spreads to the lower right abdomen, go the hospital at the very moment because you may have appendicitis.

Pain in the Lower Abdomen, Pelvis and Upper Legs

If there is a pain in the lower abdominal area, upper legs or hips you may have problems with the urinary system. An inflammation of the urinary bladder and kidneys activates the nearby nerves and a severe pain occurs in these areas. Via Health Digezt