Quaker Oats Is Being Sued for Putting a Cancer-Causing Pesticide in Their Oatmeal




The customers from California and New York have accused the owner as a result of the claim that the oatmeal involves some traces of glyphosate, a pesticide substance. For this reason, a test was done to analyze the content of this easy to prepare oatmeal, so called Quaker Oats Quick 1-minute oatmeal. The analysis included a liquid chromatography -mass spectrometry, a type of procedure that is used for drug analysis in many medical and chemical laboratories. The analysis of the samples revealed some traces of glyphosate, although there were some low amounts, the owner was accused for “false advertising” because the company claimed that its products were completely natural. Quaker Oats Is Being Sued for Putting a Cancer-Causing Pesticide in Their Oatmeal The owners of the Quaker Oats Company reacted that the found chemicals in the oatmeal were not their fault but a result of the pesticides used by the farmers. They pointed out that the levels of the glyphosate that can remain in the oats are significantly in low amount and below the limit and according to the E.P.A are safe for human consumption. This chemical substance is an active ingredient in many pesticides such as Roundup, a famous one used for crops all around the world. However, the health activists blame this pesticide for severe health problems. This pesticide appeared on the market in 1974 and is used widely since then. According to the International Agency for research on Cancer, a branch of the World Health Organization, this substance belongs to the group of probable cause for cancer. Not only this pesticide could cause cancer but also it can provoke various severe health issues. This is so due to the ability of this substance to inhibit the vitamin A of the body, an important vitamin for fetal development. Also studies have shown that the exposure of Roundup and Attention Deficit Disorder in farming can additionally provoke a disruption of the function of the thyroid gland. The presence of glyphosate can disrupt the level of serotonin in the body, can affect mood, sleep, appetite as well as can make you feel depressed. What is really surprising is that the oats pesticide and herbicide more than other grains so that’s why the products have such traces of pesticide inside them. Via Healthy Food House | Natural News | Daily Mail | Fox News