Dealing with the Cancer and Bad Mood with Pumpkin Seeds




A recent study performed by Spanish scientists confirmed that pumpkin seeds are rich in natural compounds that can be very successful when it comes to fighting cancer cells, but they can also bring positive results in cases of bad mood.

Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are packed with protein, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus and manganese. This small seeds are rich in zinc too and this ingredient is very important for the immune system and it also assists the development and adequate division of cells in the body. Many scientists claim that zinc can help sleep, skin health, vision and mood too. As previously mentioned, pumpkin seeds come with compounds that can support the fight against cancerous cells. They are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to fight different types of cancer. Another study, this time from Germany, has shown that women who are dealing with menopause and consume pumpkin seeds on a daily basis have about 25% less chances of developing breast cancer. According to the same study, sunflower seeds are providing similar results. The oil produced from pumpkin seeds is very helpful and efficient in cases of enlarged prostate. This oil is packed with phytochemicals and many different antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals in the system and protect the body from the occurrence of cancer cells. These seeds are an excellent source of proteins, one of the most important elements of every weight loss plan. About 30 grams of pumpkin seeds contain nearly 5 grams of protein and this amount of protein will stop food cravings. Of course, you need to be careful and consume these seeds moderately – one cup of pumpkin seeds comes with 285 calories. Finally, these seeds are not only useful for your physical health, but they can improve your emotional state too. Via Parikiaki