In case you are dealing with anxiety or you experience panic attacks every once in a while, it is very likely that these episodes are directly related to the nutrient deficiency in your body. The aforementioned problems are actually side effects of this the deficiency and the good news is that this problem can be easily fixed.
This is something that was confirmed through a scientific study conducted in Japan which included 21 individuals. The study has shown that people who experienced hyperventilation and panic attacks has significantly lower levels of iron and vitamin B6 in their body compared to the rest of the participants.
This Japanese study has measured the nutrient levels of individuals that had different levels of anxiety and frequency of hyperventilation and panic attack. In addition, there was a control group which was measured too in order to determine the influence of nutrient levels.
After the study was finished, scientists have concluded that iron and vitamin B6 levels were very low in individuals that had hyperventilation and panic problems. Those who were healthy and didn’t have this type of problems before has appropriate nutrient levels. Iron and B vitamins play a crucial role in the process of synthesis of tryptophan which is turned into serotonin.
This neurotransmitter balances our mood and mental clearness, but it also regulates the cardiovascular function and sleep.
According to the team behind the study, the results they got show that low concentrations of iron and vitamin B6 are included in hyperventilation and panic attacks. Of course, scientists must perform few other studies to confirm and clarify this claim.

According to some experts, improper diet, chronic stress as well as specific medical conditions can drain the vital nutrients stored in the body. There are many agoraphobia sufferers (intense fear of enclosed big spaces and crowded spaces) that have very low levels of B complex vitamins in their body and this might be the reason for their fears. Some of the frequent symptoms of lack of vitamin B in the body include restlessness, anxiety, irritability, fatigue and emotional problems.
In case you can’t get enough vitamin B through regular food, it is the best idea to use whole food-based supplements like the ones produced by popular companies like Garden of Life and MegaFood. Any type of these supplements can be absorbed by the body easily unlike synthetic supplements. In addition, they are much healthier and allow people to get the most from the nutrients.
According to Dr. Ben Kim, vitamins consist of few components – co-factors, co-enzymes and enzymes and there parts must have perfect balance in order to provide the required effects. Unfortunately, the vast majority of vitamins found in the stores, pharmacies and specialized vitamin shops are actually synthetic supplements and they provide only limited effects.
Sources: Vita Search | Dr.Ben Kim | Natural News
Whole food-based vitamins supplementation may lead to improved mental health
Although the aforementioned study was not able to explain the relation between deficiencies of other B vitamins including B12 and B2 and the intensity of HVA and PA, it is a well-known fact that B vitamins really matter and they are very important for the health of our brain and overall bodily function. So, a deficiency related to any B vitamin may result in mental health issues and that’s why you must always try to keep the levels of these vitamins on an adequate level.
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