Scientists find coronavirus terrifying because they cannot easily understand how they can treat patients or stop spreading. Luckily, after years of examinations, scientists have revealed that minerals can protect patients from the serious outcomes of the disease.
Nonetheless, there is new research that revealed there is an easily available medicine that can help in fighting COVID and even destroy it.

Moreover, the researchers explained that the combination may have a big impact on helping COVID-19 patients with mild to moderate clinical courses.
However, it is important to note that researchers reported that further analysis is necessary to make this study final. They added that even though it is generally safe for usage, they need to make more studies to confirm.
Nasal spray can neutralize Covid-19
Utah State University and Northwestern University researchers examined how effective Xclear Sinus Care, an over-the-counter medicine - nasal spray against COVID-19. This study was published on the 21st of December, but it has not been evaluated by peer experts. According to the researchers from the study, Xclear Sinus Care has 2$ grapefruit seed extract, 85% saline, and 11% xylitol. Xylitol is a chemical mixture frequently utilized as a sweetener. This chemical mixture decreases the severe outcomes of viruses. After 25 mins of applying the spray, the impact of xylitol neutralized the active virus, and the impact of grapefruit seed extract very much decreased the amount. The spread of viruses that cause respiratory diseases such as Covid-19, H1N1, and others, may be prevented by therapy containing xylitol and grape seed extract. Researchers reported that grape seed extract has an impact on decreasing the virus load. They add that xylitol does not allow the virus to attach to the core protein.The study confirms the effectiveness
According to a study, this over-the-counter medicine is good in helping patients treat COVID-19 symptoms. Larkin Community Hospital, Florida, conducted a study that examined three covid positive patients. During the study, patients took two spritzes in each nostril of the nasal spray four times in 24 hours. As the results show, the use of xylitol and GSE as nasal sprays had an impact on relieving the symptoms in every patient. The nasal spray is known as Xlear and is used as an addition to the patient’s treatment.
Viruses can be reduced by cleansing nasal passages
Even though more studies are needed, this easily available treatment that anyone can afford, and the chances of side effects are low, can be very helpful in preventing the spread of coronavirus. Researchers add that the nasal spray kills and deactivates the virus in the noses of patients. Dr. G. Ferrer from Florida, the Aventura Hospital and Medical Center was included in both kinds of research. He said: "Studies show that regular nasal cleansing may help. The concept is simple: cleaning the nose means less virus and less virus means less risk of infection."Other nasal sprays are effective too
The good news is that Xlear is not the only nasal spray that can help you in fighting against Covid-19. Scientists from the UK, particularly the University of Birmingham, are working on one more easily available nasal spray. They will use a thickening solution and an antiviral agent to make the virus ineffective and in a way trap it in the nose to stop the spread. On the 23rd January 2021, the lead scientist on the new study from the UK, Dr. R. Moakes, reported for The Telegraph that he feels confident about making an impact and that it to happen as soon as possible.
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