Stop Throwing Them Away! Onion Skins Cut Blood Pressure and Prevent Arteriosclerosis




According to some statistics, Americans throw away about 40% of the food they buy from stores. In addition, most people toss the plant parts that are most colorful before they consume them. The fact is that the pigments that give this color include the antioxidants that make these plants good for health. So, before you toss the onion skins, please read this article. Truth be told, the onion skin is not edible, but it is definitely rich in quercetin. This powerful antioxidant is able to stabilize blood pressure and protect us from arteriosclerosis. By adding onion skin to your sauté, soup, or stew, you will actually boost your meal with this antioxidant and a few other useful nutrients. Onions are well known for their strong antibacterial effects and generally speaking, they are one of the healthiest veggies that are able to stabilize blood sugar levels, prevent nosebleeds, lead to cancer cell apoptosis, and provide Daily Health Post to the immune system.

Darker onions have a higher amount of phytonutrients

People often remove specific parts of certain veggies without knowing that these parts are equally useful and tasty as the ones that we usually consume. The reason is simple – we don’t like the way they look. For instance, celery and broccoli leaves are packed with more vitamins and fiber compared to stalks. Just think about it – the leaves are crucial for the progress of the plant – this is where photosynthesis starts. In addition, you can try carrots and beet leaves. They might be bitter, but they are very healthy. Chard and kale stems are a little bit hard, but if they are steamed they can be consumed easily. Put some garlic for better taste and amazing health benefits like lowering the chances of developing cancer and regulating the levels of blood sugar and cholesterol.

Don’t judge the food by its appearance

The skins of many fruits are frequently tossed. Take citrus peels for example. People are used to reading about recipes that include orange or lemon zest, but have you ever wondered why they don’t contain peels? The peels may be bitter, but they are still very flavorful and this is the place where you can find most of the pigments. It is a good idea to add orange peels to smoothies or put them in a glass of plain water and consume them after you drink the water. In this way, you will not only improve your breath, but you will also get a good amount of vitamin C, fiber, and antimicrobial phytonutrients that will lower oxidative stress and aid the body’s efforts to cleanse cells from toxic metal residues. Finally, fruit peels have the ability to cleanse water of heavy metals and other harmful compounds. It is also good to point out that melon rinds are packed with citrulline. A few studies have confirmed that this amino acid can be used as part of the treatment of minor erectile dysfunctions. Take the rinds and scrub them well. After that, put them in a juicer or blender along with other raw veggies and fruits. READ MORE: 5 Most Popular Natural Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Start Again

People often chop off the ends of veggies, but these parts can be used to grow new plants. Leeks and scallions need only a small amount of water to root while sprouted potatoes and ginger will progress if you plant them in a small pot filled with soil. The leaves stem and roots that you probably throw away when you prepare dinner can definitely boost your health. When you start cooking, put these things together with other ingredients. Your food will taste better and you will be much healthier. Use every vegetable and fruit to the maximum. Via Daily Health Post