Cure a Nagging Cough or Inflammation of the Lungs with This Quick Trick




Do you have a persistent nagging cough that seems to be invincible? With the help of this tea you will be able to cleanse the lungs in no time! The recipe we will present in this article should aid your body’s efforts to stop coughing and breathe better. This tea is particularly good for people suffering from flu infections and cold. A number of herbs used in it come with strong numbing effects that are calming to throat and long pain. In case you are experiencing very intense lung irritation, this tea can be boosted with mullein, but this practice is used in rare cases. You should not question the efficiency of the herbal mixture! It is definitely strong as any commercial cough syrup and provides results faster.

How To Cure a Nagging Cough or Inflammation of the Lungs

In addition, this natural remedy bring benefits for the overall health and as we all know commercial cough syrups are packed with chemical agents that can reduce the capacity of our immune system.
  • One bag of green tea (you can use any other tea but green tea brings better results)
  • Half a teaspoon of thyme
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric
  • Half a teaspoon of cloves
  • Juice made from half a lemon
  • Two teaspoons of honey
Make this natural remedy by boiling water and placing the water into a coffee mug. Right after that, put the herbs and tea bag inside the mug. Wait for about three minutes, strain the mixture and add some lemon and honey. Lung inflammation and chronic coughing issues may suggest overgrowth of candida yeast located in the gastrointestinal tract. Physicians will first examine your system to check for signs of My Liver Exam in case you have chronic coughing problems. However, this examination and testing is often the cause of different type of cancers. So, whenever you are taking such examinations, ask the doctor whether it is safe to take a test like this. Opt for the safest one. Via Harvard Health