Massive Recall Your Himalayan Salt Lamp May Kill You




Himalayan salt lamps are a preferred natural source of fresh and clean air for your home. They have become very popular in the past years because of  the numerous health benefits, such as removing the allergens, cleansing the air and boosting the mood. According to a recent finding, these salt lamps pose a serious danger to the people’s health. This notion went viral when Michaels, a popular retail and craft store, recalled thousands of Himalayan salt lamps. The Consumer Product Safety Commission claims that the lamp’s dimmer switch can be easily overheated and thus pose a risk of shock and fire. For this reason, over 80,000 Himalayan salt lamps were recalled from the market. KTVB states that there are three different styles of Himalayan salt lamps which are affected by this recall. They include: the Carnival of Lights, Rock of Gibraltar Lamp and Basket of Rocks, which were distributed by SporTex US in Michaels store or on Amazon. All of these risky lamps were sold between July and November 2016, under the brand Lumiere. They included one single piece of salt rock on a wooden base or a basket of small rocks. So, if you are one of those Michaels’ customers who has got such a lamp, make sure you stop using it immediately. Also, you can return it to the store for a full refund of the money. However, it is important to mention that no injuries have been reported yet, but you should be very cautious when buying such a lamp. make sure you avoid these specific types of Himalayan salt lamp. This does not mean that you should give up on salt lamps but make sure you get the right information about the healthy properties of it before you buy it. Via David Wolfe