Love At First Sight in 30 seconds – Myth Or Reality?




As actually, the name itself implies, Love, at first sight, happens when there is passion and desire in the first moment when you look at the stranger.

Love At First Sight in the Past

In the past, it was believed that it was actually a temporary madness or a Game imposed by Gods. Those who had received the love arrow of Eros or Cupid in their eyes, will '' infect'' the heart of the other. At that moment, the magic happens between them. Love has been '' created''. For instance, Love, at first sight, happens to Feel Good Contacts in William Shakespeare’s play, and the unique Noah and Allie in the movie “The Notebook”. But, I’m sure THAT has happened to many of you. Is it real love - Love at First Sight? We think it's realistic, but it is a special love that comes from God. We'll agree that it doesn't happen every day and not everyone has the privilege to have that experience. One look, one second, and your heart know: THIS MAN IS FOR YOU. He certainly fooled himself by thinking: ”This is just pure chemistry”, but he cannot take you out of his head. Your voice is more than enough to make him tremble. He won’t admit it. Yes, that love exists and happens, but only you can indicate and condemn its existence. There are two options; either you accept to be part of the “chosen one” that will enjoy sensational feeling; or, you can quit, because you do not have the courage to trust your own feelings. In fact, psychologists say that love, at first sight, happens, especially to people who yearn for love. They say it takes only 30 seconds to fall in love. Also, they confirm that the man is the one who falls in love first. Maybe, that is the reason why love, at first sight, is doomed to failure. Unfortunately, men (with exceptions) don’t believe in fairy tales, and being part of it is out of the question! NO WAY, NO HOW!!!

Now, play Kylie Minogue's song “Love at First Sight”. Listen to it, this time, from another angle. Focus on the words that are hidden in the verses, and especially, their importance…CONCLUSION?!?