Latest Research: Which Vitamins Should I Take After Gym?




Latest research has shown that after workout, people don't need to take energy drinks nor vitamin pills. Tea, coffee and chocolate milk are best after doing exercises. Tea improves your immune system and prevents diabetes. It contains carbohydrates, enzymes and lipids. These substances may not appear in large amounts, but enough to refresh your body. It is full with polyphenols that are contained in most of the fruit. Coffee has more antioxidant properties than any other fruit or the green and dark tea. Doctors that were part of this latest research claim that if you consume coffee often, you will lower the risk from heart diseases and diabetes type to up to 50%. You will lower the risk from Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, also.Vitamins or NotChocolate milk protects your bones and makes them tougher. It helps you in the creation of your muscles. It has best effects if you take it immediately after gym because it will provide you the lost liquid.   Of course, no other substance will make you up the lost liquid as water does. Water is essential in life of sportists, but in the ordinary people's lives, also.