How to Get Rid of Fly Infestation With These Home-Friendly Ways




Being indoors or outside, the crowd of unwanted houseflies is there. It seems that it is nearly impossible to get rid of these tremendously frustrating and annoying guests. Well, you are at the right place. Here are some home-friendly ways to get rid of fly infestation.

How to Get Rid of Fly Infestation

When it comes to the question of how to get rid of fly infestation, first you have to target their weaknesses. What attracts them the most is the smell and light. However, some strong scents, essential oils, and herbs will help you trap and kill flies. Just follow some of these four methods and the flies will be gone.

1# Method: DIY Fly Trap

You can make your own fly trap that can be used both indoors and outdoors. By using their basic instincts against them, these devices trap the flies. The flies are attracted by the light and odor which leads them to the trap. Also, it is nearly impossible to escape from this trap. The fermentation provides an irresistible smell that attracts the flies and they enter through the holes and trap into the plastic wrap. If you wonder how to get rid of fly infestation with this trap, do not worry. The flies might escape because they are really not able to. The stimulus of light will work against them. The plastic wrap will look like an invisible wall and they will not be able to distinguish the holes.

Apple Cider Vinegar Trap

ACV trap is a fermented apple juice, a real delicacy for these flying insects. If you add some dish soap to the ACV, the trap will become even deadlier. The dish soap makes the flies sink when they come in contact with the surface, so there won’t be any chances of survival. Ingredients:
  • 2 cups of Apple Cider Vinegar (this will attract flies)
  • 1 tbsp. of dish soap (the flies will sink and drown in it)
  • Plastic wrap
  • Mason jar
  • Toothpick
Instruction: 1. In the mason jar, mix the ACV and the dish soap. 2. Cover the mouth of the mason jar with a plastic jar so that it is completely sealed. 3. Poke a few holes into the plastic wrap. With the toothpick make several holes which will allow the flies enter the trap. Also, the smell of the ACV that comes through the holes will attract the flies. Once the flies are dead, dispose them of and clean the jar.

Fruit Trap

This type of trap functions in the same way as the ACV trap. The difference is that you need some rotten or overripe fruit instead of ACV. Although this trap does not kill the insects right on contact, it can effectively capture them. Also, it is much cheaper than the ACV trap. Ingredients:
  • Rotten or overripe fruit (this will attract the flies)
  • Plastic wrap
  • Bowl
  • Scissors
  • Toothpick
Instruction: 1. First, chop the rotten fruit and place it in a bowl. Note: If the fruit is too disgusting to be chopped, just break it into pieces. 2. Secure the bowl with plastic wrap so that it is completely sealed. 3. Poke a few holes with the toothpick into the plastic wrap. Once the flies are trapped, submerge the bowl into soapy water for several minutes in order to kill the flies.

2# Method: DIY Fly Repellent Spray

A repellent spray is just another highly effective method of removing flies. Most people consider spraying as the most effective repellent. This may be the reason why store-bought sprays do so well. However, these sprays are loaded with harmful chemical ingredients. Therefore, make your own completely natural fly-repellent spray. The base of the spray, the soapy solution can kill not only flies but other insects. Ingredients:
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tbsp. of diluted dish soap
  • 10-12 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 10-12 drops of lemongrass essential oil
  • Spray bottle
Instruction: 1. Mix the dish soap and water into a spray bottle. 2. Add the essential oils to the combination. Then close the bottle and shake it to mix the ingredients well. You can spray your entire your house to prevent the flies from entering or killing them on contact. You can use it for 2 weeks as prevention.

3# Method: Lavender Essential Oil

Along with the pleasant scent, lavender can effectively deter flies. Ingredients:
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Can or jar with a lid
  • Sponge
Instruction: 1. Pour several drops of lavender essential oil on the sponge. 2. Place the sponge into the jar and screw on the lid. Make sure it stays covered for a few hours or overnight so that the smell is more concentrated when you open the jar. Slightly open the lid and place the jar where there is an infestation of flies. The flies will stay away from this strong scent. When the smell is reduced, add some more lavender oil to the sponge.

4# Method: Lemon and Cloves

Flies detest the subtle scent of cloves. So, a combination of lemon and this nail-sized spice will provide a safe and effective fly repellent. You practically use this fly repellent everywhere but it is best for deterring flies from your dinner table and kitchen because it is the safest option that can be used near food. Ingredients:
  • Lemon
  • Cloves
Instruction: All you need to do is cut the lemon into halves and stick the cloves into the pulp. Make sure the bulbs are on the surface. This can be used on a food table to deter various insects.


  • Wash the Mason jar with hot soapy water before you use it again.
  • Clean the rotting fruit traps periodically because they can look and smell really disgusting.
  • Plant lavender, peppermint, and lemongrass around your house to keep the flies away.
  • Make a potpourri of the dry herbs of lemongrass, lavender, and peppermint.
  • You can also use eucalyptus and citronella essential oils to deter flies and other insects.
These methods have explained a highly effective way to get rid of fly infestation for a short period of time. Source Fab How | Maids Image Source Healthline