Understanding How Thieves Can Hijack Your Car Using a Coin




The car thieves continue to develop new methods to fit into your car. You may have heard some of the findings about the new technology that are able to outsmart the security system of car. But some traditional methods are still used, one of which is coin methods. This method utilizes a coin to enter your car. By using a penny or nickel, they can break into your car easily. They usually slide nickel or a penny on the door handle on the passenger side. What you should do is checking the door handle before entering your car. This step is taken to ensure that no coin has been inserted. Most thieves hiding in the passenger seat, waiting for an opportunity to hijack the car. If you find there is strangeness in your luggage, then you should immediately call 911. For more detailed information, please see the video below. In this video you will get information about how thieves can hijack your car using a coin.

How Thieves Can Hijack Your Car Using a Coin

Via Sun Gazing