There is Help for Your Hot Flashes and Night Sweats + VIDEO




(HealthAndLovePage) While scientists are still not sure what is the direct cause of hot flashes and night sweats, most of them believe that the changes in the hormones that accompany menopause certainly contribute to this occurrence. Learn more about the different ways that can help you handle the symptoms on an emotional and practical level.

Managing Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

No matter if you are prepared or not, menopause is something that you cannot avoid. Menopause brings many changes in the body and one of the things that lead to many uncomfortable situations is the appearance of hot flashes and night sweats.According to some statistics about 75% of women in perimenopause (a short period before the menopause starts) experience these hot flashes. In addition, 50% of women experience at least one hot flash on a daily basis once they enter menopause and 10% of them have to deal with these flashes for several years.

What exactly is a hot flash?

A hot flash is an occurrence that is described as a feeling of intense heat which is not associated with any external cause. What is interesting is that some women can feel hot flashes before they occur while others experience them without any warning. Some of the most common symptoms include:
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Tingling in all fingers.
  • Feeling of heat in the skin.
  • Sweating.
  • Redness on the face.

Causes of Hot Flashes

The fact is that there are many women who experience only mild episodes of hot flashes or didn’t experience hot flashes at all, but the number of women who are affected by hot flashes is really big. In some cases, these changes affect their everyday life. The following is a list of things that might assist you with your efforts to prevent the occurrence of hot flashes or to relieve the symptoms.

Things That Activate or Increase The Effects of Hot Flashes

These are some of the most common things that act as hot flashes triggers:
  • Spicy foods.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Eating and drinking products that contain caffeine.
  • increased stress levels.
  • Staying in hot rooms.
  • Smoking or passive smoking.
  • Wearing very tight clothes.

Check some simple methods

Many women can handle these hot flashes by using very simple techniques and tools. Before, you try some more complex remedies check whether you have tried some of these methods or not:
  • Drinking cold water once you notice that a hot flash will appear.
  • Using clothing in several layers, so you can easily change your clothing depending on the temperature.
  • Keeping a thermos with cold water next to you (especially close to your bed when you are sleeping).
  • Wearing clothes made of cotton.

Using natural remedies

There are more and more women who are becoming aware of the power of natural products and their positive effects in cases of hot flashes and night sweats. Remember that it is is very important to tell your pharmacist or doctor about the natural remedies you take whenever you talk about your health. There are some natural products that can cause reactions when they are consumed together with medications. Some of them can even worsen your situation. The following (on the next page) are some of the natural products that are often used by women suffering from hot flashes.

Oil and herb relief

Before we present this list of remedies that have helped many women, it is worth mentioning that there are no medical studies that can confirm their efficiency.
  • Red Clover or Trifolium pretense.
  • Black Cohosh also known as Cimicifuga racemosa or Actaea racemosa. This herb should not be consumed in case you are suffering from a liver disorder.
  • Soy.
  • Dong Quai or Angelica sinensis. It was confirmed that Dong Quai can lead to problems in patients who consume Warfarin blood thinner. If you still want to use it, consult your doctor first.
  • Evening Primrose Oil or Oenothera biennis. This oil interacts with certain psychiatric pills and blood thinners.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

The Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has been used for a few decades now and it seems that it has helped a lot of women while others were disappointed by its effects. The good news is that this therapy has helped a significant number of women suffering from hot flashes. By taking estrogen supplements you will balance the level of estrogen in your body which means that you will be able to lower the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and nights sweats. Estrogen supplements, which are usually used in a combination with progestin in order to lower the chances of developing certain types of cancer, can be used in the form of pill, patch, cream or gel.

Non-Hormonal Treatments

There are few other medications that have proven to be helpful for women that find difficult to manage their hot flashes episodes. It is good to point out that these medications are not designed for hot flashes, but they have certainly helped many women. Pregabalin and Gabapentin, medications used for nerve pain, provided positive effects to some women. Gabapentin is a medication that is often used for seizures too. Certain antidepressants like fluoxetine or Prozac, venlafaxine or Effexor and paroxetine or Paxil have also helped many women with hot flashes.

Alternative Therapies

If you are looking for a way to avoid the side effects of medications you can try acupuncture for example. A study that was conducted four years ago, confirmed that women who practice acupuncture at least twice a week in a period of two months have experienced considerably fewer hot flashes compared to women who didn’t practice acupuncture. According to some women, meditation can also be very useful when it comes to hot flashes because it helps you get rid of stress and stress is one of the things that contribute to the occurrence of hot flashes.

Changing everyday habits

There is no doubt that your lifestyle choices and habits can influence your health and they can have similar effects to the medications you take. The good news is that certain small changes in your lifestyle can reduce hot flashes appearance and they will also improve your health in general . These are some of the things that can improve your health:
  • Regular physical activity.
  • Practicing a well-balanced diet.
  • Quitting smoking (in case you are smoking).

Stop getting discouraged

Every individual is different and that’s why our bodies react different on different methods we try. In case you don't see the results after the first method you’ve tried, don't get discouraged and try the next one. Via Health Line