Amazing Health Benefits of 20 Fruits and Vegetables




It is a well-known fact that fruits and vegetables are very important for our diet and they provide many health benefits and prevent the onset of many diseases. Along the health benefits, the fruit and vegetable intake will keep a healthy and balanced weight. The Dietary Guidelines for American people from 2016 recommend that you should include fruits and vegetables in half of your meals. Each fruit and vegetable provides different health benefit for your body so here it is a list of the health benefits of 20 vegetables and fruits.

1. Avocados

According to some studies, avocados successfully fight hypertension because they can slow down the heart rate and relax the blood vessels as a result of their cardioprotective qualities. The fat that avocados contain can be easily stored and further broken down by the body. This is far more nutritional and healthy fat than those from processed food. Some other study states that avocado is especially important because it can treat diabetes. It can improve the uptake of glucose by the liver and muscles thus reducing the risk of metabolic problems which can further damage the blood vessels and nerves.

2. Apricots

Apricots abound in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities that are especially effective boosters of the immune system. Some studies point out that apricots can treat many inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcer and kidney problems. In fact, they protect the kidney cells from methotrexate-induced damage. This is a drug used for chemotherapy treatment and which can damage the healthy cells of the kidneys.

3. Cantaloupe

Although a delicious fruit, Detechter. According to a study from 2002, cantaloupe can reduce hyperlipidemia in those with high cholesterol diet. This fruit is more effective than Atorvastatin, a drug given to diabetics. Also, cantaloupe is rich in beta-carotene which significantly improves vision.

4. Bananas

Bananas are rich in dietary potassium which is responsible for the transmission of messages through the nervous system. Those who experience potassium deficiency face with cardiac problems and weakness. They are a powerful source of antioxidants and vitamins whose consumption is essential for the overall health and wellness of the body. Further on, the antioxidants will eliminate the free radicals from the blood which damage the healthy cells thus boosting the immunity.

5. Dates

Dates are especially important because they treat liver damage, promote heart health and boost the immunity. A study from 2014 points out that they can protect the liver from chemical-induced damage from drugs and medications which from the blood go to the liver. According to a recent study, in 2015, the dates possess antioxidant qualities which can prevent the deposition of plaque in blood vessels.

6. Cucumber

Cucumbers are rich in fisetin, an antioxidant that can improve the cognitive function and reduce the risk of cancer. A study, published in 2014 points out that fisetin is an extremely effective for those people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. According to other study in 2012, the cucumber extracts contain antioxidant and analgesic qualities. A study in 2013 confirmed the chemotherapeutic advantage of cucumbers.

7. Lemon

Lemon is a potent source of vitamin C which protects the body from various diseases and boosts the immune system. A study published in 2014 points out that lemon is powerful anticoagulant almost the same as Aspirin, which prevents the formation of thrombi that can further distort the circulation of blood and block the blood vessels.

8. Kale

This is a leafy green vegetable that is loaded with healthy nutrients. Kale abounds in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, probiotics and bioavailable carbohydrates that are especially important for those who have problems with calorie malnutrition and micronutrient. It can be used in salads but also as chips.

9. Watermelon

Along the well-known health benefits of watermelon, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer qualities. It is also stated in some studies that it can reduce the risk of heart diseases, cancer, lower the lipid levels and regulate the oxidative damage of the tissues.

10. Pineapple

As lemons, pineapples are loaded with vitamin C, iron, calcium and magnesium. This fruit was used for centuries as a traditional medicine. According to a study, published in 2013, the pineapple leaf extract possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can repair and heal the tissues. Also, it can a potent fruit that can fight against microbial infections.

11. Aloe Vera

Centuries ago, Aloe Vera was used as a traditional method of treatment of diabetes. When applied topically, the Aloe Vera can soothe the skin and remove the swelling and itchiness. Also, it can regulate the levels of serum. The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera can protect the nerves in brain and improve the overall health.

12. Apple

It’s the phytochemicals in apples that can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart diseases, asthma, diabetes and cancer. Their antioxidant properties can fight the cancerous cells and increase the serum cholesterol.

13. Blackberries

Blackberries are rich in antioxidant properties and abound in phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and tannins. As a result of their antibacterial properties, blackberries can fight H. Pylori. Also, the anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties help them fight heart diseases.

14. Artichoke

Artichoke or Cynara scolymus has powerful properties that can protect the liver from any type of damage. A study confirmed the hepatocurative qualities of artichoke which can reduce the oxidative stress on the liver tissue. It can cure the damage of the liver due to toxic chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride

15. Beans

Green beans are especially important for the high phenolic content and the strong antioxidant qualities. A study from 2015, confirmed that drinks from green beans are able to relieve the fatigue. The focus of this study was on the swimming time of athletes who after drinking this juice had prolonged time of training.

16. Oranges

The high amount of vitamin C can significantly boost the immune system thus protecting you from bacteria, viral conditions and chronic inflammatory diseases. They are loaded with lycopene and flavonoids which can fight some types of cancer.

17. Mango

This popular, juicy, tropical fruit has a fresh and sweet taste. When consumed raw, mangoes provide the best health benefits. They can be used in desserts, pies, tarts or shakes. They are high in vitamin C and possess antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesogenic and anti-carcinogenic properties.

18. Beets

Beets are important for their nutritional value and because they can prevent kidney damage. The extracts of beets can reduce the inflammation, injury, kidney damage and oxidative stress.

19. Cabbage

Cabbage is one of the perfect ingredient for salads along with other vegetables and meat because of its plain taste. A study, published in 2015 proved that cabbage has powerful anti-cancer properties. Further on, cabbage prevents the growth of tumor and fights the genomes that can cause cancer.

20. Broccoli

The phytochemicals in broccoli can strengthen the immunity and can fight cancer. Many studies have confirmed that broccoli can treat influenza and bladder cancer due to its anti-inflammatory qualities and prevent the spread of cancerous cells. Via NCBI