Find Out Which Foods to Avoid on an Empty Stomach




Whenever you feel hungry, get your hands on anything EXCEPT these 12 foods. When consumed on an empty stomach they can seriously affect your overall health and even increase the risk of diabetes. Keep on reading the article and find out which foods to avoid on an empty stomach.

12 Foods To Avoid on an Empty Stomach

1. Pastries

Pastries abound with yeast that can irritate your stomach lining and cause flatulence. Having plenty of gas in your gut not only is embarrassing but it can cause you some discomfort.

2. Tomatoes

Avoid consuming tomatoes or everything that contains tomatoes on an empty stomach. They stimulate the production of stomach acids that can lead heartburn.

3. Raw Veggies

Vegetables are loaded with beneficial fiber, but they do not provide any benefits when consumed on an empty stomach. They can cause a complete downside especially when they are uncooked.

4. Pears

Make sure you stay away from pears in the morning. The abundance of free radical-fighting antioxidants not only can irritate the lining of the stomach but also cause you great pain.

5. Bananas

Bananas are high in fiber that can be the most suitable nutrient for an empty stomach. They can rapidly increase the level of magnesium in the blood which is bad for the heart.

6. Spicy Food

Spicy food is definitely something that must be avoided on an empty stomach otherwise the excess fluids can cause a sharp and burning sensation.

7. Citrus Fruits

Limes, oranges, grapefruit and many other citrus fruits are not the preferred foods for an empty stomach. The acid of these fruits will irritate the stomach lining and cause a severe stomach pain.

8. Soda

Along with citrus fruits, soda is definitely one of the foods to avoid on an empty stomach. It is high in acid which can seriously affect your stomach health. So, make yourself a favor and avoid soda completely.

9. Coffee

You may be familiar with the fact that coffee is something that shouldn’t be practiced on an empty stomach, especially for two reasons. First of all, coffee can increase the production of excess acids. Second, it can slow down the digestion of protein-rich foods which are consumed afterward.

10. Tea

When feeling hungry, make sure you stay away from a cup of tea. Although it contains less caffeine than coffee, it can have the same effect as coffee on an empty stomach.

11. Sweets

Make sure you never consume sugar-laden sweets especially when your stomach is empty. According to the experts, sugar increases the workload of the pancreas and can even lead to diabetes.

12. Yogurt

Even yogurt is the last on the list, it is not the least important. Try to avoid yogurt on an empty stomach because the stomach acids will kill all the beneficial bacteria in yogurt. Source Wellness BinOnly My Health Image Source David Wolfe