Don’t Ignore These 9 Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency




Vitamin D or the so-called “bone-vitamin” plays an important part in the growth of bones and muscles. However, this does not mean that only bones and muscles need this vitamin, but nearly every tissue and cell require it in order to function properly. If there is no optimal level of vitamin D in the body, the body can experience different conditions such as weak bones, heart disease, depression, diabetes, weight gain and many types of cancers. Vitamin D deficiency is quite a common condition, but many people fail to realize it on time. However, here are some symptoms that can help you realize that your body lacks vitamin D:

1. Bone and Muscle Weakness

One of the primary symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is the constant body pain. Around the age of 30, the body does not build bone mass, and a vitamin D deficiency can just lead to worse osteoporosis symptoms. The low level of vitamin D will prevent insertion of calcium into the skeleton’s collagen matrix, thus resulting in aches and pains.

2. Feeling of Sadness and Depression

If you experience sudden changes in your mood for no particular reason, you may lack vitamin D in your body. Serotonin, the hormone responsible for mood elevation is directly related to the amount of vitamin D. That’s why some exposure to sunlight can make you feel happier and satisfied.

3. Gum Disease

Vitamin D is highly important for the oral health because it keeps the teeth and gums healthy. Therefore, many oral diseases are the result of this particular vitamin deficiency. For example, studies have shown that direct exposure to sunlight has reduced the risk of periodontal disease, a chronic gum condition.

4. Hypertension

High blood pressure or hypertension is another symptom of a low level of vitamin D. According to a current research there is a direct link between hypertension and vitamin D deficiency. So, people who have a high level of vitamin D in their bodies, tend to have lower blood pressure and a lower risk of hypertension.

5. Sleepiness and Fatigue

Feeling or fatigue and sleepiness are closely related to the level of vitamin D in the body. If you feel sleepy or tired for no particular reason, you may lack some sources of vitamin D or exposure to sunlight. Researchers point out that the chronic fatigue syndrome is related to vitamin D deficiency. Also, lack of vitamin D can make you feel drained and lethargic. However, this symptom is more common in older people.

6. Change of Mood

Have you ever experienced some rapid change of mood even for some trivial matters? If so, the vitamin D receptors in the brain can affect your emotions and mood. Also, studies have pointed out that vitamin D deficiency is related to some mental diseases such as anxiety, stress, and depression.

7. Obesity

The vitamin D deficiency can lead to obesity and a higher risk of obesity-related conditions. However, vitamin D can help overweight people to lose weight. So, when gaining some extra pounds, make sure you increase the level of vitamin D.

8. Gut Conditions

Along these conditions, vitamin D deficiency can also cause some digestive problems. Because it is a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin D helps the digestion system absorb fat and break down foods. So, vitamin D deficiency can bring about some gut problems such as inflammatory bowel disease, gluten intolerance, and Crohn’s disease.

9. Allergies

Vitamin D deficiency takes a significant part in the development of many allergic reactions. Some of them include food allergies, asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, and anaphylaxis. In contrast, an optimal level of this crucial vitamin will prevent many allergies and regulate the immune system. Source Sun | Life Extension | Reader's Digest Image Source Top 10 Home Remedies