The Dangers of Nightshades: Why Eating the Wrong Fruits and Vegetables Can Make Pain Worse




We have all been eating nightshades and never knew about their classification. They are highly popular and all of us are eating them and they also can cause inflammation in many people. But, what are these fruits and veggies and why you should avoid them?

What are Nightshades

When we talk of nightshades, we are talking of tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and all kinds of peppers. They belong to the Solanaceae family of plants with thousands of species. This group of plants has been known to cause inflammation because they contain a compound called solanine. But there are blueberries, goji berries, Indian Ginseng (ashwaganda) and huckleberries that actually don't belong to this group but have alkaloids that can cause inflammation. According to scientists who studied these plants, the compound solanine could be causing irritation in the gastrointestinal tract. When this substance moves into the blood, it is capable of destroying our red blood cells that carry oxygen. Researchers have classified solanine as acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. This means that it will not allow the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (ACh) from breaking down. This means that when you consume these plants, there will be an excess accumulation of ACh in your nerve receptors. This will cause continuous excess stimulation of these ACh receptors. They will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system. Once solanines enter our body, they are difficult for our body to eliminate:
  • They don't dissolve in water;
  • They cannot be broken down or destroyed during cooking;
  • They do not break down even in our body.
Solanines need to be converted into alpha- solanine in our body before they are excreted. This compound alpha-solanine is nothing else but a neurotoxin. Unfortunately, all the foods having alpha-solanine also have more than 5 other forms of neurotoxins that specifically include nicotine and atropine.

Nightshades and Arthritis

Arthritis has been found to be caused and aggravated by nightshades. Researchers have found that if you are suffering from any of the 3 types of arthritis, nightshades can further worsen them. This has been proven in at least one of the 3 forms of this disease. Researchers have also come to the conclusion that there may be a case of misdiagnosis of arthritis in some cases where similar effects are caused because of consuming nightshades. So your arthritis may actually not be arthritis! It is caused by eating some nightshade foods. Researchers have found that alkaloids somehow make an impact on how our body metabolizes calcium. In fact, scientists have been unable to find the underlying cause why these foods can break down calcium in our bones, causing them to accumulate in the soft tissue in our body. This further leads to arthritis. It is because of all these reasons why scientists now recommend that everyone having the following conditions should not consume nightshades:
  • Rheumatoid arthritis,
  • Osteoarthritis,
  • Other joint disorders.
Dr. Norman F. Childers, who founded the Arthritis Nightshades Research Foundation, says that a diet containing nightshades seems to play a role in the etiology of arthritis. This has been studied in a 20-year survey that covered more than 1,400 people. According to him plants belonging to the nightshades or Solanaceae family are critical in causing arthritis in those who are sensitive. The alkaloid tropane has been found to be the main cause behind the reactions in individuals who are sensitive to this compound. I have followed on Dr. Childers’s recommendations and stopped adding nightshades to my diet. And this has shown positive effects on my overall health. I started my personal anti-nightshade campaign in 2006 and stopped eating anything related. To start with, there was no more any need to use my inhaler. It was 10 years ago when my doctor told me that I was suffering from reactive airways disease. I needed the inhaler every day. I reduced the use of inhalers during the initial days. And now I have noticed that I didn't use it for 2 weeks and I didn't face any problems. Today, I don't need it at all. Another health benefit was that 3 months after stopping consumption of nightshades, the weakness in the legs and knee pain also vanished. Earlier I was suffering from it every day. People who have been suffering from arthritis or various related conditions should avoid these Solanaceae-family plants at all costs. The other problems include rheumatism, lupus and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Nightshades could be affecting your health in many bad ways. So what are these nightshade foods that must be avoided? The list contains the following plants:
  • Tomatoes – all kinds of tomatoes. Even tomatillos;
  • Potatoes – all kinds (this does not include yams and sweet potatoes);
  • Okra;
  • Eggplant (or aubergine);
  • Peppers (all kinds including wax pepper, green pepper, bell pepper, red pepper, paprika, cayenne, and chili pepper among others;
  • Tomarillos (these are fruits from Peru that look like plums);
  • Goji berries;
  • Artichokes;
  • Blueberries and Garden Huckleberry (they have the inflammation-causing alkaloids);
  • Sorrel;
  • Gooseberries;
  • Paprika;
  • Homeopathic Belladonna;
  • Pepino Melon.
Most of the soy sauce that is made here in the United States is produced using GMO soy beans. They are cut along with petunia, which is a nightshade plant. It will be safer and healthier to choose Braggs Amino Acids, which are available at the local health food stores. This is made from soy sauce that has been naturally fermented. The other ingredient in it is spring water. It will give you all the great taste of soy sauce without any harmful ingredients. Note: - It should be made clear that condiments such as pepper corns, black pepper, and white pepper don't fall in the nightshade category.

Harmful Ingredients

You should also avoid the following products and ingredients:
  • Homeopathic remedies that contain Belladonna (it is a lethal nightshade);
  • Edible Flowers like devil’s trumpets, day Jasmine, chalice vine, and angel;
  • Over the counter/prescription medicines having potato starch used as filler. This starch is specifically found in medications for relaxing muscles and for helping with sleep;
  • Topical medicines used for inflammation and pain that contain capsicum (cayenne pepper);
  • Sleeping pills containing scopolamine and atropine;
  • Potato starch is contained in several baking powders and even in envelope adhesives;
  • Vodka (because they are made using potatoes).
Make sure to read the labels because even if you are fully careful, chances are you may gulp down just one ingredient that could do all the harm. Avoid all foods that make use of the generic terms for spices or seasoning. The generic term could easily hide the food that you are eating.

Follow this 3-Month Challenge

When you want to find out if nightshades reach with your body, you should take this 3-month challenge. You should stop taking all kinds of nightshades for 3 months. Check the above-mentioned list to avoid these foods. Also start reading the labels of all the processed foods, prescription/over the counter (OTC) medications, and homeopathics. If you are taking a medication, make sure to discuss their ingredients with the pharmacist or call the manufacturer. You should re-introduce one nightshade only after 3 months. Take only one nightshade and notice if there is any pain, ache, weakness, stiffness, headache, or respiratory issue. Just like me, you may notice that your health will start improving at a fast rate after you remove nightshades from your plate.

National Cost of Pain

According to a report published by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies in June 2011, over 116 million adults in America suffer from some kind of pain on a daily basis. In other words, that’s a third of the country’s population. So, more people suffer from some kind of pain than the total number of people suffering from heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Overall, treatment of pain and other related costs come to over $635 billion annually. These expenses can be in the form of medical treatment, disability, or loss of productivity and wages. References: ABC News Sources: My Health Maven | Healing Life is Natural