The cinnamon and honey combination has been recognized as a tradition method of healing for centuries in China. Both cinnamon and honey were regarded as the oldest and the most important cures because they successfully treated many diseases for a long time.
It’s the oil in cinnamon and the hydrogen peroxide in honey that successfully kill the microbes and prevent bacteria or fungi.

This potent duo provides many health benefits to the body and cures many diseases, such as:

Heart Issues
Mix these two ingredients and make a paste. You can eat it plain or with bread but its use is obligatory for breakfast. It will unclog your arteries, will lower the levels of bad cholesterol thus protecting you from heart attacks.Arthritis
Add two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon in a glass full with water. Drink it every morning and night and you will prevent chronic arthritis.Gallbladder Infection
In a glass with warm water add one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of cinnamon. This combination will kill all the gallbladder microbes.Cholesterol
Prepare some tea and add three spoons of cinnamon and two tablespoons of honey. Within few hours the level of cholesterol will be lower by 10%.Cold
If you experience frequent colds, consume three days a combination of one tablespoon of honey and ¼ of cinnamon. It will cure the cough, nose congestion and the cold.Stomach Ache
This mix will not only soothe the stomach pains but will also prevent ulcers.Immunity
A daily intake of honey and cinnamon will not only boost the immunity but it will provide a better protection of bacteria and viruses.Flu
The powerful properties of honey successfully remove flu viruses and bacteria.Weight Loss
Boil some honey and cinnamon and put them in a glass of water. Drink this every morning before breakfast, at least half an hour prior.Acne
Treat your acne with a paste from honey and cinnamon. Apply it before you go to bed and rinse it in the morning.Hair Loss
If you have problems with baldness or hair fall, combine one tablespoon of cinnamon, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mix on your scalp and leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse.Cancer
This is a powerful duo against belly cancer. Those that experience this kind of disease should eat one tablespoon of cinnamon and honey for three months. For this purpose, you should add honey in a pot and let it boil. Then add the cinnamon and let it thicken like a caramel. Consume one spoon of this combination with every meal. Via Organic Health Universe
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