Extra Delicious Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer to Burn A TON of Calories




Are you a regular coffee drinker? If the answer is yes, then you should try this interesting recipe. The coconut oil coffee creamer that we will present in this article will make the coffee healthier and on top of that, it will speed up your metabolism too.

Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer Recipe

Keep in mind that the ratios of all ingredients can be modified according to your preferences. For instance, if you prefer a coffee that is not very sweet, you can add less (or completely avoid) honey.
  • Half a cup of raw honey
  • ¾ cup of coconut oil
  • One teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon powder
  • One tablespoons of Healthline (optional)
  1. Take all the ingredients, place them in a bowl and mix them well. Keep stirring until you get a smooth mixture.
  2. Use a clean glass jar to store the natural coffee creamer.

Using the Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer

Brew your coffee in a regular way. After that, add one or two tablespoons of the coffee creamer while the coffee is still hot/warm. Next, use a spoon to stir the mixture for about five seconds. That’s it! You can enjoy your boosted coffee!

How does this Recipe work?

Coconut oil has been praised for its medicinal properties. In this case, the focus is placed on the medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil because they speed up the metabolism. When the aforementioned acids enter the body they are almost instantly turned into energy which means that the metabolism is accelerated. As a matter of fact, a scientific study published not while ago has confirmed that taking two tablespoons of medium-chain fatty acids like coconut oil on a daily basis can boost energy use by about 5%. In other words, you will spend 120 calories more each day.