Censorship Has Turned Into Extortion Against The Documentary, Vaxxed, In The US




Ever since the historical ages, the powerful have used extortion and bribery to cover up truths to preserve themselves and their enterprises. Currently, the vaccine industry (Big Pharma) is and has been doing everything in its power to stamp out the truth about their killer products. One such protective move has targeted a documentary that comes with an objective of exposing the truth. The Health Ranger (Mike Adams), reports that the evil empires are working day and night to block the documentary, titled Vaxxed: From Cover Up To Catastrophe, from being shown at the film festival in Houston. In fact, TEAM WORLD-FEST has received some very aggressive threats from Government officials seeking for the documentary to be dropped out of the show. It is actually the first time officials have called festival in 49 years. They threatened to take drastic, heavy-handed action if the documentary was to be featured in at the festival. The said action would bring about $100,000 worth of grant losses, and that’s why the documentary couldn’t be shown. It is not the first time the film has been censored. The main stream media worked against its showing at the Tribeca Film Festival organized by Robert De Niro. The film has seen so much effort at censorship that it has become the most censored this year (2016). In the documentary, the CDC scientist who blew the whistle against the final report on the MMR vaccine and admitted that the data was changed to cover up major evidence of a link between the vaccine as the cause of autism, William Thompson, is featured regretting his involvement in the cover up. By lying about the dangerous vaccine, the CDC has deliberately caused injuries and agony to millions of families who have used the vaccine. Now their sites are brainwashing the masses and doing everything in their power to make sure that this eye-opening film does not get viewed in any film festival. They are trying to introduce a culture of dictatorship in the science community, and that is precisely why you have to get up, get that film and watch it.

Geopolitics Reports:

In fact, Britain’s Chief Scientific Officer (Department of Health), Dr. Peter Fletcher minces no words in asserting that if indeed it is true that the government failed to look into the matter properly, then this will go down in history as the most damaging scandal in the medical industry. He admits to have reviewed a stream of evidence discovered by numerous scientists from all over the planet that the MMR vaccine is causing brain damage to innocent little children. However, there seems to be a group of very powerful, highly-placed people who have put their careers and reputations in line to support the supposed safety of his killer vaccine. These people will do anything to bury the truth in order to protect themselves and their gang’s selfish interests. Now that they have been cornered, they will want to lurk out and about aggressively to make sure the no one gets to know about this documentary, and the only way to beat them is to take a stand against their tyranny. Via Vaxxed The Movie