The Amazing Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil Will Do Miracles to Your Lungs and Memory




When it comes to the super potent essential oils, this characteristic is definitely applied to the rosemary essential oil. It is one of the most popular essential oils with a wide array of health benefits. Here, you will find the most important health benefits of rosemary essential oil. As we have mentioned, the rosemary essential oil has become increasingly popular over the years due to the widely-understood health benefits. What makes it a high-quality essential oil are the antibacterial, analgesic, anticatarrhal, anticancer, anti-infection, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

Health Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil

Some of the benefits of the rosemary essential oil are related to the respiratory and memory problems.

Respiratory Problems

Due to the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of the rosemary essential oil, it can relieve throat congestion, treat colds, respiratory allergies, flu and sore throats. It is highly effective for respiratory infections and bronchial asthma.

Memory Problems

Shakespeare himself pointed out the rosemary oil’s memory boosting properties. According to the researchers, even the first sniff of this essential oil, make people remember things. Other tests also showed that exposure to this essential oil could improve the chances of remembering by 60-75%.

Additional Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil

  • Clarity – Pour one drop of rosemary essential oil to your hands. Rub them well and then cup over your nose and mouth for one minute.
  • Coughs – Massage your throat and chest with one or two drops of this oil every few hours.
  • Headaches – For headaches, do the same as for clarity, or you can add a drop to the aching parts of your head.
  • Memory and learning – Inhale the oil directly from the bottle, diffuse it throughout the room, rub your temples and apply it to your toes.
  • Vaginal infection – Before you apply any drop at this particular area, make sure you test the sensitivity of this part. Then massage 1-2 drops of it in and out the place.

Only 2 Drops of Rosemary Essential Oil Will Clear Your Sinuses, Improve Memory and Prevent Colds

Pour a few drops of this oil on the shower floor, especially the place where you stand. In this way, you will boost your immune system and clear sinuses. It would be more practical for you to keep a bottle of this essential oil in your bathroom so that you can pour some drops just before you have a shower. Source Healthline | Organic Facts Image Source Articles Mercola