Anti-Aging Watermelon Ginger Detox Drink




Ginger and watermelon are potent ingredients that provide many health benefits for the human body. Along their nutritive qualities, ginger and watermelon have many refreshing and nutritive properties. The watermelon is powerful cleanser of the body, especially of the liver and kidneys. The ginger also possesses cleansing properties because it improves the digestion and detoxifies the liver. So, the watermelon and ginger are a perfect combination for detoxification of your body. For that reason, you can include them in the form of a juice in your daily diet. But how to prepare this kind of juice? Do not worry, it is so simple. Here is a recipe that you can prepare throughout the year.

You need:

  • 2 cups of fresh watermelon
  • 1 tsp of fresh ginger
  • ½ of freshly juiced lemon
Blend the ingredients altogether until you get a smooth paste. P our the juice in glasses and serve it immediately. Via Practo | Practo