8 Hand Exercises to Ease Arthritis Pain




Arthritis is a very dangerous disease that has negative impact on the synovial lining of the joints and the cartilage. These structures serve as a cushioning material between all the bones found in your body. This disease is especially unpleasant when it hits the joints of the hands because it results in numbness and pain. Arthritis pain increases with the increased use of the hand. For example, if you are working in the kitchen or typing on a keyboard you will witness sharp pain. Many people also lose the power in their hands. Over time this weakness can make it difficult to perform the regular everyday tasks like opening toothpaste.

Treatment to Ease Arthritis Pain

There are several options available for those who want to treat hand arthritis. Patients can take special pain-relieving medicines orally. They can also use injections filled with steroid medicines in order to eliminate the swelling that forms in the joints. Some people use splinting as a support and protection for the hands. Unfortunately, in many cases these methods don’t provide any effects and people choose surgery as a last effort to repair their joints. When it comes to natural home treatments, you should know that there are several specially designed hand exercises that can improve the hand’s flexibility, extend their range of motion and ease arthritis pain. These exercises are simple and noninvasive.

1. Make a fist

This is a really easy exercise that can be performed anywhere you want. Use it in case you feel stiffness in this area. Begin by keeping your right hand straight. After that, turn your hand into a fist and place your thumb out of the fist. Avoid squeezing your hand – be relaxed. Start opening your hand slowly until each of your fingers is straight. Perform this exercise for about 10 times. After that, repeat the procedure with your left hand.

2. Thumb bend

Start by holding your left hand up in a straight position. After that, bend the thumb inward in the direction of your palm. Perform stretching in which you will try to reach the pinky finger with your thumb. In case you are unable to do this, don't be frustrated. Simply stretch the thumb as much as you can. Remain in this position for a couple of seconds and place your thumb in its initial position after that. Repeat this procedure for ten times. After that, use your right hand.

3. Finger bands

Use the same position like in exercise no.1, but this time straighten your left hand. Gently bend your thumb in the direction of your palm. Remain in this position for a few seconds. Bring your thumb in the initial position. After that, bend your index finger in the same direction. Wait for a few seconds and straighten it. Do this with every finger on the hand. Once you are finished, start the same procedure with your right hand.

4. Make an O

Straighten up your left hand. After that, direct all your fingers inward so they can touch. In this way you will form an O. Remain in this position for a few seconds. After that, make your fingers straight. Perform this exercise at least three times a day and use the right hand too. This exercise is perfect in the moments your fingers and hand feel stiff or achy.

5. Table bend

Get close to the table and put your pinky finger from your left hand on it. Your thumb should be pointed up. Bend the rest of the fingers inward and make an L formation (keep the thumb in the same position). Remain in this position for a few seconds. After that, straighten all of your fingers and get back in the initial position. Perform this exercise for ten times and repeat it with the right hand. 

6. Finger lift

Put your left hand on a table with its palm down. Keep it flattened. Lift each finger off the table carefully starting with your thumb. Keep the same position for two seconds and after that lower the finger down. Perform the same procedure with every finger from the left and right hand.

7. Fan and fist

Hold your hand in a neutral position and try to keep your knuckles straight. Gradually and carefully spread your fingers as much as you can (something like a fan when it’s opening up). After that, try to make a fist. Remain in each of these positions for about five seconds. Repeat this exercise two times a day on both hands.

8. Wrist stretch

Remember to use your wrists too. They can ease the pain and eliminate the stiffness. Keep your right arm out with the palm facing down. Use your left hand to press down your right hand gently until you get a feeling of stretching in the arm and wrist. Remain in this position for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise for ten times. After that, use your left hand.