31 Food Items You Should Never Put in Your Fridge




A lot of the condiments you pick up from the grocery somehow find their way into your fridge. But are you sure every single one of them belongs in there? Cold storage was invented primarily for meat. Before the invention of refrigerators, meat that was imported with ships from Africa and Asia had to be eaten rotted. The sour taste of the rotten meat was disguised with lots of different spices, some of them also imported. However, since the invention of the cold storage, we have learned to throw any kinds of groceries in the fridge, that doesn't belong there. Here is a list of 31 different items that are safe outside of your refrigerator.

#1. Banana

Bananas are an excellent source of protein, and you should never store them in the cold, at least until they start to ripen. They will lose their nutrients, and the darkness and moisture will only make them rot faster. Bananas are best stored on the counter until they start to ripen. After that, the cold temperature will help to slow down the process of ripening.

#2. Honey

Honey can last a very long time if you keep it in a tightly sealed jar. It doesn't need to be cooled and placing your honey jar in the fridge is going to make honey worst! The cold temperatures will create crystallization effect in the sugary elements in the honey. This will turn that smooth and stretch honey taste into a firm, jelly-like mixture that is very untasteful in comparison.

#3. Avocado

The only instance when you should place avocados in the fridge is if you bought them ripped and you won't use them immediately. The cold temperature will slow the process of rotting and will keep its usability for a longer period. On the other hand, if your avocados are fresh, or they will be used soon after bought, it's pointless to place them in the fridge.

#4. Apple

Apples look good on the counter of your kitchen. If you put them in the refrigerator they will slow down the process of rotting, so you should consider doing this if you don't consume them after a week. Assuming, of course, you purchase them fresh.

#5. Citrus

Citrus is full with citric acid. And cold temperatures are very damaging to citric acid. Cold temperatures also block the process of ripening of the fruit which causes a strange taste. Also the cold will cause the skin of citrus to become dull and lose density as well as showing some dark spots.

#6. Peaches and other drupes

Drupe fruits are peaches, plums, nectarines, and apricots. They should not be kept in the fridge if they are fresh. Once they start to ripen, then you should store them in the freezer to prevent rotting.

#7. Herbs

Usually, we place herbs in the fridge the moment we bring them home from the grocery. We determine that this will ensure they remain fresh and crisp. This is actually wrong, and in reality, this makes them wilt faster. For maximum longevity of your herbs, just place them in a jar filled with water. This will do the trick if you want them fresh.

#8. Berries

The berries you purchase from the grocery store always look tasty. And in fact, the best time to eat your berries is right after you bring them home, no need to put them in the fridge right away. However, they do tend to ripe faster than usual and to prevent this it is better to place them in the refrigerator if you don't plan to munch them right away. The fridge can also make them soggy and a bit moldy. To avoid this, just rinse them a few times before eating.

#9. Onions

Onions are best stored as far away from potatoes as possible. The potatoes release gasses and moisture that will cause the onions to rot. But don't think that the fridge can be a good place for them. Cold temperature can make them soggy, and no one likes a soggy onion. Onions are best stored in a paper bag, but not plastic, in a cool, but not cold place in your kitchen.

#10. Bread

Cold temperature makes bread dry faster, and the dry bread tastes unnatural. Why go through with it? Your bread is perfectly fine at a room temperature, stored in a bread box or a cool cupboard. If you can't manage to eat it after four days of purchase, them it's better to store it in the fridge. This way you will prevent mold from trying out your bread as well.

#11. Peppers

Peppers are perfectly fine without the cold. And it doesn't matter if they are green, red, yellow or even chili peppers. Just keep them in a cool place somewhere in your kitchen.

#12. Winter Squashes

If kept in the freezer, fruits such as pumpkins, butternut and delicata will last much less that they would if you'd just kept them out.

#13. Oil

When you put most oils in place with cold temperature like your refrigerator, they turn into a thick and cloudy mix. It is best to store oils at a room temperature, in a dark and cool place. Do note, however, that if you have to deal with flax seed oil, then it is best to keep it in the fridge. Due to his unstable nature, flax seed oil can quickly turn rancid.

#14. Melons

It's best to keep melons as far away from the fridge as possible. A dark place with room temperature is perfect for them. Once they start freezing, though, the unnatural cold temperature will cause them to crack. The fridge will also dry the melons, turning their mixture more grainy and powdery, and will decrease their taste. However, if you split a melon, and can't manage to use every slice of it, then it is best to place the remaining slices in the fridge. That way they could last more without beginning to rot. Three to four days to be accurate.

#15. Pickles

Pickles are best in an open space. That way they will remain fresh from the air. They are also high in preservatives, and there is no need to put them in the freezer.

#16. Garlic

Cold temperature reduces the lifespan of the garlic, makes it's taste sour. and may even cause mold to develop. Freezing garlic for longer periods may even cause mold to develop. Just store the garlic in a dark cool spot, preferably in a paper bag.

#17. Hot Sauce

Chili and vinegar are both known rich with preservatives, and they can increase the lifespan of the bottle for about three years. There's no need to refrigerate them.

#18. Spices

They really don't require any refrigeration what so ever. Don't bother.

#19. Coffee

The last thing you want in your coffee is watery condensation, and this is exactly what will happen if you leave it in the fridge. This occurs due to the increased humidity in the cold. The taste will be off, the texture will be grainy (and not in a good way). So make sure to store it at room temperature in a dry, airtight place like a container.

#20. Soy Sauce

Soy is also fermented and does not require refrigeration. This assumes you are not going to keep the sauce for more than a year.

#21. Salad Dressing

Much like the rest of the condiments, salad dressings based on vinegar or oil are just fine when you store them outside of the fridge. On the other hand, you should always store cream, mayo, and yogurt based dressings in the refrigerator.

#22. Nuts

They can benefit from the cold by avoiding rancidness. However, the temperature will also affect their flavor. Negatively. Just remember to store them in an airtight bag or container in the cabinet, at room temperature. If you already have some stashed in the fridge, don't forget to toast them in a dry pan before using.

#23. Dried Fruits

No. Just no. There is not a single point to put them in the freezer.

#24. Cereal

Don't upset your cereals by storing them in the fridge. They are best kept outside in the sun.

#25. Jam and Jelly

Jams are rich with preservatives. And this is why you can store them in your cabinet well after opening them.

#26. Potatoes

Cold temperatures can make potatoes taste bad. That is why it's best to store them in a bag at room temperature. Do note, however, that plastic bags can speed up the decay of the potatoes because they are often moist, and keep moisture. So try to keep potatoes in a paper bag.

#27. Ketchup

Restaurants and diners are well aware that ketchup should be left away from the fridge. In your defense, they also use ketchup a lot more on a daily basis then an ordinary household, so if you plan to use for more than a month, maybe it's best, after all, to leave it in the fridge.

#28. Tomatoes

Cold temperature can make tomatoes dull and soggy. It can also decrease their taste. Just store them on the counter in a dark place, or if they are greenish and unripened, you can leave them basking in the sun. If they get too ripe, instead of freezing them in the freezer, just use them for a tomato sauce.

#29. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter does not warrant cold storage. The refrigerator is useless for the mix. Just make sure to keep it tightly lit and in a cool, dark spot. Your peanut butter will be just fine.

#30. Maple syrup

Maple syrup has sugary elements that will crystallize the elixir if kept at a cold temperature. This will cause the same effect as freezing honey will to the honey. The texture will harden, and after a while, it will make the syrup unusable.

#31. Tuna

Canned tuna is treated with salt, which causes the tuna to last longer. Canned food in general, is specifically designed to endure on room temperature. There's absolutely no need to store it in the freezer, your food cabinet is more than enough for the job. Source: CureJoy Image Source: Greatist, Imgur