According to latest statistics about 1,5% of the population are suffering from Vitiligo.
Vitiligo (also known as leucoderma) is actually an abnormal skin condition characterized by continuing loss of melanocytes, the cells that are directly involved in the process of melanin pigment production that is happening in skin layer. This ultimately results in irregular white patches.

It is interesting that Vitiligo doesn't come with some physical discomforts and the only thing that people suffering from it will notice is intolerance to sun exposure. However, this is true only in cases when a large part of the skin is exposed to sun for a longer period. Vitiligo is a harmless skin condition in its core.
Of course, this doesn't mean that people who have Vitiligo are not suffering from psychological problems and stress because many of them are embarrassed because of the way their skin looks.
The occurrence of Vitiligo is not linked to any period of life, gender or part of the body. For some reason, there are more cases of Vitiligo in women. The areas where Vitiligo usually occurs are hands, back, neck and wrists.

What causes Vitiligo?
Scientists were not able to determine the direct cause for the occurrence of Vitiligo. However, there are many unproven speculations about the causes. Some people believe that this skin condition is the result of certain unorthodox diet like eating fish and drinking milk; or eating pumpkin and milk, etc. Others believe that certain types of germs can trigger Vitiligo. It is good to point out that there is no evidence that some of these things can cause Vitiligo. There are certain things that scientists claim that are partially responsible for Vitiligo:- Hereditary factors.
- Autoimmune disorder.
- Buildup of toxins.
- Lack of proper nutrition.
- Nervous secretion.
Is Vitiligo infectious?
Vitiligo is not infectious/contagious. It cannot be transmitted by food, drinks and contact. Its appearance doesn’t suggest that the person has higher risk of developing cancer.Home Remedies for Vitiligo Treatment
Caution: Skin affected by Vitiligo usually means that this area is very sensitive. In order to avoid any infections or allergies, we advised you to try these remedies on a small area first. You can use these remedies only after the tests didn’t result in any side effects (allergies or infections).1. Get rid of stress
Both physical and emotional stress is causing numerous medical conditions and diseases and the same goes for cases of Vitiligo. Stress “prepares” the skin for this type of skin condition. Try to find a way to get rid of stress – use relaxation techniques like yoga, Pilates, meditation and change your lifestyle a little bit.2. Radish seeds
Many people who have used radish seeds in Vitiligo treatment have witnessed positive effects. Place 40 grams of pounded radish seeds in a bowl with small amount of vinegar and let it stay overnight. In the morning, you will get a paste that you should apply on the affected area and left for about two hours, when it will become completely dry. In order to increase the effects you can add white arsenic to the mixture.3. Psoralea seeds
In this case, put psoralea seeds in ginger juice. It is interesting that psoralea seeds have the ability to reproduce the effects of sun tanning, which means it can help skin color restoration. Let the seeds soak for three days and after that rub them in order to peel their shells and let them dry. After that, grind them until you produce fine powder. Take one gram of powder with fresh milk on a daily basis, 40 days in a row. These seeds are part of the ultraviolet phototherapy too – one of the most used Vitiligo treatments.4. Red clay
You can find Red clay easily on riverbeds. This type of clay contains high amounts of copper, known for its ability to stimulate the process of re-pigmentation. Mix the clay with ginger juice and apply it on the affected area every day. Ginger juice helps the blood flow reach the affected area while red clay is aiding the re-pigmentation process.5. Lime juice and basil leaves
Basil leaves are known for their antiviral and rejuvenation properties and they are especially useful for the skin. A paste made of basil leaves lime juice can encourage the production of melanin in the body and it is one of the most effective homemade remedies for Vitiligo. You should use this paste three times a day up to half a year.6. Turmeric
A combination of turmeric and mustard oil can also help you in case you are dealing with Vitiligo. Hammer about 2 cups (500 gr) of turmeric, soak it in 2 gallons (8 l) of water and leave it overnight. In the morning, boil the mixture until you get 4 cups (1 l) of this mixture. Strain the mixture and mix it with 2 cups of mustard oil. After that, heat the mixture until the water is gone and only oil is left. Apply it two times a day in the morning and evening on a daily basis.7. Water treated with copper
Consuming water that was left in copper utensils at night stimulates the melanin production and it is useful when it comes to skin toning (in the area where Vitiligo is present). Instead of drinking regular water, Vitiligo sufferers should use copper treated water.8. Khellin (Ammi visnaga)
Khel is a plant that naturally grows in the Mediterranean and it has been used as a remedy for many medical conditions. The extract of the fruit of this plant is very similar to psoralen we have mentioned before. Many studies have confirmed that the application or oral consummation of this extract provides almost the same effects as those from UV light therapy. Different dosage should be used in different situations and it is best to consult a dermatologist before you start practicing this remedy.9. Babchi seeds
A combination of babchi seeds and tamarind powder has proven to be very effective homemade remedy for Vitiligo. Use an equal quantity of both seeds and leave them in water for about four days. After that, remove the shell and dry them (avoid direct sunlight). The result should be a paste that should be used on the affected area for one week. Keep in mind that some people can experience itching after the first application and in this case, the treatment should be stopped.10. Goose foot
Eating this vegetable two times a day (in the morning and before going to bed), is helpful in cases of Vitiligo. In addition, you can use the juice made from the leaves and apply it on the white patches.11. Gingko Biloba
This popular plant has helped many people suffering from different diseases and disorders. The extract of this plant (40 mg) taken three times a day stops the spreading of Vitiligo. In some cases, people have experienced re-pigmentation too.12. Pomegranate leaves
Use a handful of pomegranate leaves to create fine powder. Put 0,3 ounces (8 gr) of this fine powder in a glass of water and drink the mixture. Do it two times a day.13. Neem
Simply drink one glass of neem juice on a daily basis in order to treat Vitiligo.14. Black gram
Create powder from black gram and add some water in order to create thick paste. Use the paste on the white patches and use lukewarm water to remove it after it becomes dry. Do this every day for four to five months for the best results.15. Figs
Consume figs in raw form because they improve the blood flow and remove the toxins from the blood too. Roast the figs, create powder from them and add some water. The paste you will get should be applied on the affected area.16. Ginger leaves
Create powder from ginger leaves and make a paste. Use it on the white patches on the skin.17. Indian lilac leaves
Use Indian lilac leaves to create juice and drink the potion two times a day. This natural juice contains minerals and certain compounds known for their positive effects in the process of healing Vitiligo. This is a easy and highly effective home cure for Vitiligo.18. Walnuts
Eat walnuts on a daily basis. You can also create a paste from walnuts if you powder them and add some water. Use the paste on the affected parts of the skin.19. Leadwort
Use leadwort root and water to create paste and apply it on the skin.20. Vitamin B9 and B12
According to a detailed scientific study that involved dozens of people suffering from Vitiligo, eight out of 10 patients lack vitamin B9 or folic acid and vitamin B12 in their body. A huge number of patients were able to eliminate Vitiligo after using B9 and B12 supplementation for 6 months. Therefore, you can also try to enrich your diet with foods that naturally contain these vitamins like liver, sunflower seed and yeast extract for B9 and liver, mutton, pork, beef, cheese, chicken and fish for B12.21. Copper
Copper is a important mineral that our body needs in order to perform its basic functions properly. It seems that taking care of copper intake is especially important for Vitiligo sufferers for two reasons. First, copper helps the body to get rid of free radicals that eliminate melanocytes. Secondly, copper stimulates the production of melanin. Therefore, including food that is rich in copper can be very helpful in the process of treatment of Vitiligo. Some of these foods include oysters, liver, chocolates, dried tomatoes, watermelon seed, chili powder and cocoa powder. It is good to mention that excess use of copper can lead to cramps, diarrhea, hypertension, depression and insomnia and that’s why you need to consume copper moderately.Foods you should not eat
- Don't eat highly seasoned dishes
- void alcohol, tea and coffee
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