10 Vegetables You Can Regrow Again and Again!




Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, and they are a powerhouse of many important nutrients. However, you don’t have to buy vegetables in bulks because they go bad really fast. Here is a simple and inexpensive solution to this problem. You can create your own vegetable garden and provide fresh vegetables at any time. These 10 vegetables are easy to grow, and you can regrow them and provide unlimited supplies.

1. Asparagus

Once well established and kept properly, this vegetable can produce spears every spring for 25 years. For faster results, plant asparagus crowns because the seeds need couple of years to mature. Make sure that the asparagus rots when waterlogged.

2. Garlic

You can grow garlic sprouts out of garlic cloves. One single clove can produce more than 10 cloves. These cloves have a mild taste, and you can use them in pasta, salads and different dishes. When the cloves sprout, put them in a glass with some water and place the glass outside or on the windowsill. When the sprouts reach a couple of inches, replant them in some large pot and fertile soil. After several days, you will notice the first leaves. You can pick the garlic when the brown leaves start falling.

3. Carrots

You can regrow carrots out of carrot tops. You just have to place the carrot tops in a dish with some water and place it in a well-lit place. They may have a bitter taste, but you can sweeten them with garlic or vinegar.

4. Bok Choy

Put the Bok Choy stumps in a dish with some water and place it in a well-lit place for a few weeks. Then you can plant it to a pot with soil and grow a fully new head.

5. Romaine Lettuce

To grow a new lettuce, you just need the bottom of a lettuce head. Place it in a dish with a half inch of water. When you see the first leaves and roots, plant it in a pot with soil or in your garden. It may grow twice its size. You can apply the same method for growing cabbages.

6. Scallions

You can regrow scallions out of their discarded roots. Put an inch attached to the root in a glass of water and place the glass in a well-lit place. In as little as 5 days, you can fully regrow new scallions, and you can pick them when they are 4-6 inches long.

7. Celery

To grow new vegetables, use just the celery bottoms. Just cut off the base and place it in a shallow bowl in the sun. Once the leaves start to appear, replant it in soil.

8. Cilantro

Place the cilantro stems in a glass of water and watch their roots grow. Once the roots are long enough, transfer them into a pot and place it in a lighted room. After a few months, you will have a full plant.

9. Basil

Use some basil clippings of 304 inches and place them in a glass of water. Expose the glass in direct sunlight. Once the roots become 2 inches, transfer them to pot. Make sure you water the basil constantly for it not to be slimy.

10. Globe Artichoke

Artichokes should be harvested when they reveal purple flowers. To regrow this plant, you will need a well-drained soil and sunny environment. In rows, plant 24-36 inches’ artichokes in a well-drained soil. Make sure the artichokes are 36 inches apart and are well-exposed to the sun. Before you plant them, amend the soil with 2 inches of compost. Every month, fertilise the soil with a high-nitrogen fertiliser. Artichokes can be harvested in the spring and fall, during the secondary peak. Harvest them when the stalk is completely extended, and the flower bud is not opened. By growing vegetables in your garden, you will provide healthy supplies for your body and family as well as you will significantly reduce your monthly expenses. Source Healthy Food House | Natural Living Ideas Image Source About Spud