10 Things That Let You Know You’re in the Right Relationship




Many people are focused on building their status in society and that’s not something wrong. However, many of them completely forget what the most important thing in our lives is – do we have someone next to us. Our love lives are filled with many thoughts and expectations. Each of us is wondering whether we are with the right person or not, once in a while. However, what really matters is your opinion about what makes one relationship a “right relationship”. Keep in mind that your opinion will often be subjective, but the fact is that there are certain signs that can point out whether you are in the right relationship or not. Now lets’ investigate some of these signs.

Right Relationship Signs

1. GAMES ARE BEING PLAYED. Very often, we are the ones that are complicating the mutual relations in the relationship and make things worse than they really are. Things like sending SMS messages instead of talking; making your true feelings subconscious, fading trust, turning the love relationship into a game and few other things can hurt the feeling of both you and your partner and it is natural to try to get away from these problems. However, if you want to find a solution you need to face these problems. Instead of running away, talk to your partner, forgive their mistakes and share your love every time you can. If you are on the other side and you are feeling that you are being played, don’t keep these thoughts inside, talk to your partner. The conversation is the key. 2. EVERYONE IS ON THE SAME PAGE. It is very important for a woman to set a boundary at the beginning of the relationship. She needs to know whether she wants a serious relationship or she is looking only for an adventure. Simply be honest and tell your potential partner or friend what do you feel and expect. 3. THE LINE OF COMMUNICATION IS OPEN, HONEST, AND CLEAR. As we have mentioned before, communication is a very important part of every relationship. That’s why you need to talk with your partner about everything on a daily basis. Don't expect your partner to feel your thoughts because that’s impossible. Don't play any kind of games and don't talk only about the things you find convenient. If you skip some things then you are telling a lie. Honesty is vital when it comes to trust between two partners. Learn how to talk without offending your partner and listen without interrupting. One relationship cannot be described as the right relationship without mutual communication. 4. LOVING DEEDS CONSISTENTLY REINFORCE LOVING WORDS. Cherish your moments together and nurture your important relations. Don’t say “I love you” if you don't really mean that. Don't forget that the small deeds are the ones that have huge importance for your relationship. Words without actions aren't really useful. Just think about it – not everything people say is true. One relationship cannot be real and right if both sides aren't honest with each other. 5. IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO EXPECT PERFECTION. Keep in mind that perfect relationships are rare or even non-existent. However, if you are dedicated to your relationship, it can become something that you have always dreamed about. Your friends and partner aren't ideal, but they can be your soul mates. You should give everyone a chance to prove themselves. What you need to keep in mind is that every relationship goes to certain problems at some point, but what makes the relationship perfect is the end. The person who is here when the times are difficult and the person who makes you happy even in those moments is the right person for you. 6. HONESTY, VULNERABILITY, AND PRESENCE ARE HELD SACRED Love makes us vulnerable and there is nothing wrong with that. To love means to be open and full of love and to build relationships that will last forever. Let yourself experience the other person in your life in an authentic way. Forget about all the barriers and emotional walls that you build subconsciously. Try to activate all your exceptional and sometimes forgotten emotions – both good and bad. In the real-life, an honest relationship with another person is more than welcome. 7. THERE IS A HEALTHY MIX OF TEAMWORK AND FREEDOM. It takes two to build a relationship and this is something that you should not forget. You should never try to stop the other side if they want to leave the relationship. You don’t want anyone to feel trapped in a relationship. The essence of every relationship is freedom although this may sound like a paradox. Don't forget that the relationship is also based on teamwork. You can achieve many things together much easier. The strength of any relationship is measured by the individual strength of every partner in it and their strength when they are together. It is very important to understand that the ratio in the relationship is not always 50:50. No one can feel 100% fit all the time and there are days when you are less than 50%. A good relationship is the one where the partner adds their “percentage” when the other side is a little bit down. This is a relationship where the partners are there for each other to help when some of them are not feeling good. This is the basis of a healthy and strong relationship. 8. PERSONAL GROWTH IS EMBRACED, SHARED, AND CELEBRATED. Real success is to find a partner that can help you find yourself, instead of losing yourself and becoming some other person. When you bond with your partner, you actually try to give the best out of yourself. The time spent together motivates you to experience your own personal growth. 9. OUTSIDERS AREN'T CALLING THE SHOTS. Don't forget that the way your relationship is functioning depends only on you and your partner. People outside that relationship can’t tell you how you should manage your relationship. Each of us has a different lifestyle, expectations, and beliefs. 10. TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE. If you and your partner are serious about your relationship then you should not avoid conversations about plans. This doesn't mean that you have to talk about some serious plans all the time, but things like planning your next vacation or where would you go next summer are always a good idea. THE FLOOR IS YOURS… Your experience and our descriptions of the signs for a good relationship will surely help you determine whether you are in the iBelive!